#this coffee company is emotionally and physically exhausted after visiting hank
If you were to compare the ground and whole bean versions, does grinding the beans yourself have a significant impact on the flavour, or does all that other stuff about the coffee (that I cannot remember but I'm sure that you, unpaid coffee intern, do) minimize the difference?
Does it have a significant impact on flavor? I think grinding your own coffee tastes slightly better, but I am super bougie. Like, I might be the world's bougiest unpaid intern/acting CEO.
That said, our ground coffee tastes (vastly) better than any ground coffee you can get in a grocery store, because our coffee is much fresher. It's not unusual for supermarket (or Starbucks etc) coffee to spend six months on a shelf after being ground, and that really hurts the flavor. Our coffee is much, much fresher--it's usually ground less than a week before it gets to you--so you don't get nearly as much flavor loss.
One of the surprises of Awesome Coffee is that it is, in fact, so very good. Like, it is markedly more enjoyable to drink every morning, and literally no one is paying me to say that. I think this fact is reflected in our extraordinarily low attrition rates--most subscription services lose 10-20 percent of customers per month. We lose less than 2%. It's just incredibly good coffee, doing important work in the world.
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