#this feels a little meanspirited so i want to say i still like gurren lagann a lot!
i remember before i'd even seen a single mecha anime i would see people gushing about how super robot wars "fixed" shinji by exposing him to REAL men, like ryouma nagare or kouji kabuto. i spent too much time browsing old forum threads in middle school and kind of internalized that line of thought about srw being the best versions of different characters. i'm a fairly big mech fan now (though there are still some gaping blindspots in my knowledge) and though i still haven't played a srw i figure given the other opinions those people had this was probably bullshit, and i anticipate srw being mostly just fanservice where all the different mechs and their pilots can fight together
but i do have something kind of like that original thing weird masculinity obsessed weebs in 2009 were posting about but in reverse that i'd love to see. i want a super robot wars game where the getter emperor is the big villain (or one of the villains) and spiral power is just getter rays. while team gurren starts on your side, eventually they get corrupted by spiral power and join the getter emperor. that's already the plot of gurren lagann when viewed through the lens of getter robo, and i think it would be interesting to put team gurren up against a challenge that they literally cannot willpower their way out of because doing so only makes them more getter-pilled. make them find an alternate way of solving problems or they join the getter emperor and the final boss is them combining with the emperor! if this is real let me know so it can be the first srw i play
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