#this has been a really tiring month and its not even half-over yeeshhh
sunlightfeeling · 9 months
so the Katherine Moennig reblog just awoke something from my shit-tier memory (we’re being self-reflective)
she was absolutely my awakening lmfao
okay, but, seriously tho
it made me remember and realize that I have an affinity for more…overtly sexual/scandalous/suggestive/insert similar adjectives here characters/personas
Listing…from memory and order because I’m trying to see something here: say a prayer
judge away, but young me slayed (she did not, in fact, slay)
Tom Kaulitz
Lady Gaga
Shane McCutcheon
Harry Styles
Nick Grimshaw
…is there seriously no one in between???……oh wait…that was me, I became the persona
and last but probably not least…
NakaI mean Kimura Takuya
I don’t know why I did this, I don’t like thinking
I don’t actually want to see anythi
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