#this is a setting i would LOVE to expand on aaaaaaaaaa ill make a separate post on it soon
teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
What would chrollo say or do if one day his darling yells at him because they dont understand why he wants them. They arent sexy or ugly, not incredibly smart or totaly dumb. They are just normal. The reader has some insecurity issues.
(An insecure darling would not make Chrollo's romantic pursuit easier.)
It's easier to convince someone of something if it comforts them, but all the reassurances and promises of your uniqueness only serve to make you more uncomfortable. Your unworthiness is evident from how you don't look like an actual couple when together. Chrollo is charismatic and attractive, a person that would make anyone turn their head to look at again. You, on the other hand, are a perfect example of an average crowd member. There are no distinguishing features about you or anything that would pull another person in.
Just another person on the street. That's what you are.
You aren't conventionally attractive, simply plain. Neither a bother to look at nor a pleasure. Your facial features aren't unique, and there is nothing about your personality that stands out. Hair texture is normal, your height and weight completely average as well, along with your academic record.
All these facts make you continuously question Chrollo's feelings for you. Why? What does an extraordinary man like him see in you?
Everything apparently. Or at least that is what he told you when you exploded and yelled at him a few minutes ago. His response was immediate, but he only uttered the word 'everything' to your aggressive question and went quiet.
He's still staring at you.
And you're still staring at him.
It's been more than a few minutes, hasn't it?
It doesn't matter. It never did. Chrollo's declarations don't make you feel any better. They actually have the opposite effect. His words only serve to push you deeper in this hole, and it's been ages since you've given up on escape. Both from the hole and from Chrollo.
You can see the gears turning in his head, his eyes softening as he reaches for your shoulder. The action is futile, for you step further back, unaware of the wall a few steps behind you. Your back never meets it because Chrollo is faster. His hands grip both your shoulders with a bit of strength at first, but it becomes gentle.
Unfortunately, you also lack any intelligence to tell whether or not the hurtful expression on his face is genuine.
The both of you stare at each other for a few more minutes, neither wanting to break the silence. Before you could find comfort in the lack of conversation, Chrollo's mouth opens. Words haven't even left his mouth yet, and you've already accepted his inevitable scolding of you putting yourself down.
"You are everything to me," Chrollo declares, voice initially a whisper. "You are everything I am not and never can be. You are part of what I have been seeking for so long, the answer to many of my questions."
His grip tightens again, but you don't have the strength to even whimper. Breaths intermingle at how close the two of you are. It is a line you never dared to cross, an invisible boundary of personal space that even Chrollo begrudgingly respected. But now, as his fingers tighten around your shoulders in a bruising grip and eyes bore into yours, you realise that there are parts of his mind you will never understand.
"Other people never appreciated you. They never saw you as anything worthwhile, but they were wrong. They will never know how foolish they were. Only I can appreciate you, see you for what you are worth. I have always coveted you as you are and never demanded you to change any aspect of yourself."
Memories of your inadequacies flood back in, demands to change yourself in return for relationships and opportunities. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and only further proves Chrollo's point.
"Those imbeciles will never know what a treasure they rejected."
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