#this is also why i hate TMA/TME labels but that's a whole other conversation and even mentioning it feels like kicking a hornet's nest soo
beaft · 1 year
ok rant incoming but the whole trend of mocking "theyfabs" is so utterly miserable like it achieves precisely nothing other than reinforcing the exact same gender roles that we are trying to break out of lol.. AFAB nonbinary/transmasc people are mocked for presenting feminine, for choosing an atypical name (or a name that's TOO typical, like aidan or lucien or ash), for having dyed hair, for having neopronouns, for liking "cringey" media, the list goes on!! we're expected to conform to an ideal of "androgyny" (read: skinny white masculinity) that's totally unrealistic because refusing to do so gets us labelled as Fake Trans even though traditional masculinity may not be desirable or even achievable for many of us. i stopped wearing dresses and dyeing my hair fun colours partly because of dysphoria but also because i was afraid of being a "blue hair and pronouns" species of "theyfab" and that's so fucking dumb! i should be able to wear what i want! literally the whole point of being nonbinary is that your assigned gender should not factor into other people's perceptions of you so Why are we suddenly doing "sexism but it's woke now" i'm so goddamn tireddd
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