#this is because SOMEONE (Nem) fronted and took control of the whole matter himself
spiderh0rse · 27 days
took a short break from Freeman's Mind to go and watch Mind of Ryan, and in short order, Arlen's Mind. Decided to take notes on these too, while I was at it, thanks in large part to @prinnamon having done the same! This is all of my notes on Mind of Ryan, Arlen's will be out in short enough order.
singing :> casually in a public location, so he probably doesn't care if he's heard doing so
his usual parking lot isn't often crowded
sandwich... Steal it, Ryan. You'll need the energy in the coming days.
didn't sleep well. NO ONE in mindverse sleeps well.
his usual lot is usually Empty.
enjoys the idea of pissing people off with his parking location
almost forgot to lock his car
wears his lab coat all the time. He thinks it's cool, it's cozy, I get it.
used to live in Michigan. Power grid for his town tanked by a raccoon once
laughs at someone menaced by his car alarm
unbothered by power issues
likes soda. Or at least isn't unhappy with it
laughs off someone overreacting to a minor inconvenience
shares a living space with Barney. Probably lives on-site, then? Barney's tram in to work goes from the dorms to his station. The car is weird, then, unless theres no tram to Ryan's usual spot.
Barney sleeps heavily or simply was exhausted. I like that this explains his being late, a bit.
opens double doors dramatically
bit of a flat affect. My autism senses are tingling
his college wasn't air conditioned :( Black Mesa is, though!
having his eyes out would Suck
very sarcastic
at least two miles above AnMat, he claims. Very interesting, as you can easily see the sky on your way into AnMat in Half Life. Understandable exaggeration.
unwilling to pay for a helicopter ride out to Black Mesa. The car ride had to be MISERABLE.
Barney likes safety!
laughs nervously when people are annoyed in his general area
clapping and shouting at Barney usually wakes him up
vaults over a desk for the purpose of politely disposing of his trash. unbothered by someone admonishing him. vaults back out
"I'm not in a rush" your Tram is in Eight Minutes
cards... in the dark. silly.
yeah why IS that guard wearing an HEV suit
works in Sector G, as a robotics engineer
missed his train :(
thinks himself to be the youngest scientist in the building. Despite knowing Barney, who considers Gordon a friend. Interesting!
will definitely be late. Usually isn't, but worries over what'll be done because he's late.
let the man have his break
thinks some rooms are just needlessly large
doesn't call the VOX the VOX
gets a tad rude when someone asks after something that has just been answered
even while openly panicking, doesn't emote too much vocally
not sure how to act in this situation but does try to get Out of the tram serving as a barrier between him and the bullsquid
snaps at someone shooting at the thing, for whatever reason
just had cpr performed on him. If his chest hurts that's probably because his RIBS are BROKEN. Headache is likely the Head Injury That Knocked Him Out
unconcerned by the blood around him
gman sighting,, LEAVE RYAN ALONE
feels like he Should be panicking but ultimately Isn't.
hates roaches :( respects them but doesn't like them
ignores strange noise. Ryan would survive a horror movie
gman i promise you don't want to hire this guy (lying)
not jazzed at dusty/bloody vent but doesn't complain overmuch about the cleanliness
points out that the vents are cold. Makes sense, he was just out driving not too long ago, perceptually
smoke in the vents! Coughing fit at very little smoke!
seems uncurious about a pistol in the vents, and is pretty cheery about laying hands on it
"hi rat :)"
focused on his labcoat getting dirty. I can commiserate. That's his favourite bit of clothing if he's always wearing it.
does startle easily, but doesn't linger on awful things
decent ability to climb
jokes about dangerous torrent of water being a waterslide and walks around it with very little hesitation
only sounds mildly stressed when he falls into it
doesn't like freezing water. L
end card!!!! :D original art!!!
Makes an odd analogy about the building being alive
Overall unconcerned about a bunch of mutilated humanoids, other than thinking them unfriendly and to be avoided
Wants some manner of weapon. Gets hit in the face by a headcrab and bemoans the lack further
Continues nervous laughter. Would rather be hallucinating than actually be near a gargantuar.
Considers his "happy place" to be facts about the Tau cannon. Spits those facts out in an effort to ignore all the headcrab zombies
He works on the Tau cannon! Or does so often enough to be able to alter its functionality
Has his own lab? May simply share a lab space with others but consider it his
Ignores horror over a corpse in favour of the bulletproof vest right next to it. Also searches the body for a gun. Pragmatic.
Considers his luck poor
A tad sarcastic when he's able to be
Content to swing a crowbar around like a baseball bat
Emotes the most vocally he has all series when complaining about being in pain
Feels wrong to kill the zombies. Decides he won't.
Jumps a gap, barely clears it, and does that with no hesitation or comment.
Seems to be right handed in the official art. I'd be interested to see if there's a Mindverse character that's left handed.
His flashlight is a shake-to-charge sort
Vocally distressed at seeing a barnacle eat someone
Despite that, jokes about the eaten man's death
His lab is in the biology department, but he remains uninterested in biology
Takes off the vest with no hesitation. Very decisive man.
Continues to laugh when barely avoiding death
Electrical issues are a common occurrence at Black Mesa
Unbothered by taking a Snickers bar off of a dead man
Thinks first of a pizza when hungry
Keeps taking head injuries.
Reconsiders his initial reaction to some Thing, and rephrases by running and yelling.
Has to catch his breath after running from it
Had to live in a storage unit for a while. His his bed behind a stack of boxes. The unit proper was always miserably cold.
Hates the idea of beating the zombies to death, but thinks he could shoot them.
Doesn't want to leave an injured man behind. Accepts the logic presented to him, though.
Continues to avoid killing things when he can avoid doing so
Carries on ignoring any bodies unless he thinks they have something to offer him
Doesn't care overmuch about the aliens.
The alarm that goes off here, and throughout all of Unforseen Consequences, is an alert of structural damage.
Hasn't been running for any of this. He isn't used to physical exertion.
Once tried to hack the announcement system for April Fool's. Failed. Impressed a guard is able to manage it
Takes a shotgun despite weight concerns, on account of it being a shotgun
Has clearance level four
Kills someone on accident. Promptly starts thinking in loops
Has two opened cans of Squirt next to his laptop.
Bought a laptop on May 17, 1995, while in college/university.
Has no regrets about buying a laptop worth half his student debt. (Prin adjusted this for inflation and discovered that his laptop is around $3000, nowadays.)
The framing of the opening shot suggests Ryan has been sitting quietly for some time, thinking about having killed someone.
His model is also very nice.
Attempting to rationalize the manslaughter away
He does have his phone on hand.
Injures his leg in an elevator crash
Panics while in a dangerous situation, but calms down pretty much immediately afterwards
Worried he's sustaining hearing damage, but holds priority at not dying
His bones audibly creak when he lands a jump. Complains about it, but doesn't sound like he's in pain
Likes that nothing can follow him into an air vent
Practically flies up the ladder, makes no mention of his leg bothering him on it
Just happy to be alive.
Accepts he has to leave people behind if he wants to survive this, and isn't happy about it
His phone, a Nokia, accepts calls by payment plan.
Todd Arlen has just called him. I've yet to watch Arlen's Mind, so this doesn't mean much to me, yet.
Todd has escaped Black Mesa, and seems surprised that Ryan hasn't. I'd say this suggests Ryan has lost substantial amounts of time to his assorted head injuries.
Silent when he hears he's at risk of being on-site when a nuke is dropped on the facility. Brushes it off when Todd asks after him.
Calls Todd by his last name primarily.
Outraged and afraid about the nuke.
Believes he's going to die.
Overall! the autism headcanons are primed for this guy. i like how much he seems to react to everything happening around him with around the same level of mild nervousness. unfortunately he is running around with broken ribs and later an injured leg that he KEEPS PUTTING WEIGHT ON. shakes him violently. please be careful i understand you have no better options right now but at least brace against a wall
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