#this is your unfriendly reminder that odachi is a different weapon than katana and leo uses dual katanas and singular odachi :)
umhuhwellthen · 4 months
Usatello Single Dads AU:
Leonardo Hamato💙💚
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He gave me so much trouble and for what😑😑
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Women want him, fish fear him etcetc
Soooo anyway in this AU Leo got his whole shell fucked up from the Kraang, plastron and carapace, so he needs a battleshell and plastron armor. The coat is more decorative and for flair so he only wears it for special occasions and his battleshell is too big to be comfortable to wear with.
I took inspo for armor design from SU Pearl's pilot suit and Neon Genesis Evangelion
The battleshell is based on one of Donnie's usuals and doubles as extra storage. It doesn't have the jetpack or spider arms upgrades.
The rest of his design is inspired by concept art for when they awakened their ninpo and future!Leo designs
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