#this new story......well its going to be angst overload i just made myself sad thinking about it
nonclassyparty · 8 months
sigh there's so much stuff i want to write but so little time for it. i think i need 64 hours in a day or something but i get new ideas so often and can't shake them off and the worst part is i never know how the story is supposed to end after the characters colossally fuck each other over LOL! i'd actually like these two to end up together...i guess thats the con to loving writing angst so much fjgdjgk??
anyways apart from this small rant, i wanted to ask which members out of these three coughmybiaslinecough would you guys like me to write about next? i haven't written for yunho much yet but he seems like he wouldn't fit the character i had in mind ORRR maybe he'd fit a little too well im not sure and need help deciding so
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