#this post is not saying ‘you’re not allowed to dislike Nimbus’
definitelynotagun · 1 year
I’m already seeing a lot of hate for Nimbus that I just don’t understand. And surprisingly it’s not the usual obtuse “why couldn’t they just make HIM a MAN, HE already is one!!” It’s people saying they aren’t good NB representation, and that they are a stereotype, and that the design itself is bad because it reinforces the “stereotypical idea of NB people”. And to that I say, I will take what I can get.
Honestly I enjoy seeing any NB characters at all because I grew up not seeing people like me anywhere in media. To see it now as an adult, even if they are a little stereotypical, is a huge step. Especially in a big game like Destiny 2. A game that was originally designed and marketed towards young straight men, like most fps are. Games like this don’t exactly have a track record of being inclusive, let’s be honest.
Reform and change doesn’t happen in an instant, it happens gradually. Nimbus will walk so that more NB characters can run. So enjoy what we have and appreciate that we are being represented in a game at all. 5-10 years ago we didn’t have anything and that’s much worse than a funky little thembo who fights with a surfboard as a weapon.
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