#tho we did get an epic deal on a comfort inn room once and that was LUXURIOUS
deadmomjokes · 2 months
What does the bean love about hotels?
Short, unhelpful answer: EVERYTHING
More truthful: I have no way of knowing what it is, exactly, but by golly she loves them.
It's got big beds! There's usually a big TV (even tho we never turn it on)! Tiny fridge, sneaky camouflaged microwave, gigantic mirror--sometimes several of those! It's all magical because it's new and out of place but also baseline familiar in a lot of cases.
It has everything she'd expect from her home, but it's not her home, and most hotels are both very similar to each other and very different while being similar. Some have a pool. Some have a big lobby. Some have stairs. Some have food. Some have carpet floors and others have slidey floors. But all hotels have at least one bed and a bathroom and lots of doors and rooms, and a person you have to talk to so you can get the keys/cards. (Sometimes that person has lollipops or stickers for if you're a small adorable child who uses polite words and isn't destroying the lobby, which is extra exciting when you are, in fact, a small child.)
There's probably also an element of relief to it, because we only stay in hotels when we've been driving a long time. So a hotel represents a chance to be comfortable, and not stuck in a car, and usually also comes with food. Hotel breakfast is everything fun about a restaurant, but in jammies! And it's so fun to eat restaurant food dinner in what is essentially a big bedroom, because we never do that at home!
Honestly, when you think about it, a hotel really is quite magical and surreal. It's like a little bit of home, but not your home, and not really anyone else's home, but it has everything you need, and it just sits there? Waiting for you? How weird is that? And what does it do when nobody's there? You just go in, have a visit, and then leave, and you never go back to that same hotel room again.
There's tiny soap and tiny shampoo and SO many towels--why does it have so many towels? The three of us have, like, three towels max in our bathroom at home, and that's all we need, but somehow every single one of those hotel towels gets used in a single night. It's bizarre!
All the doors look the same, but do all the rooms look the same inside? You'll never know, because you only stay in one. So do all the other rooms have people in them, too? Where are they going? Why are they at this hotel where you are also at? Why are the beds in the rooms so tall? Why are there so many pillows? What's with the long air conditioner right under the window, and why does it make such a big noise all the time? How do they make enough hot water for everybody? How do they make the keys work when it's just a card? How come there are never any big lights in the ceiling even though there's light switches, just little lamps that have buttons on them too?
These are all real questions we've gotten from her during hotel stays, by the way.
I wish I could articulate it better, but I don't think I really could, given that this was her answer when I asked:
I love hotels!
[me: me too! What about hotels do you love?]
I love.... I love Motel 6, and Super 8, and there should be a 7 one so it goes 6 7 8, but there's Red Roof Inn, and the one with the sun on it, and Comfort Inn-- "inn" is another word for "hotel," but I like to say "hotel" because.... Um.... I love hotels!
So there you have it...? I guess?
The kid just really likes hotels lol
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