#though I’m not sure if Mio having ticklish ears would be unusual compared to Noah having ticklish ears
rainbowwing251 · 2 years
I’m trying to think of a list of worst spots for the main six Xenoblade 3 protagonists, and up until now, I haven’t been able to come up with more than one or two worsts spots for anyone other than Noah. Now however? I’m pretty close to coming up with at least 2 worst spots for everyone, and I want to list them here before I forget about them.
So without further ado, here’s the list of all of the worst spots for each of the protagonists of Xenoblade 3 (according to my headcanons). I will be putting these under the cut to avoid clogging up anyone’s dashboards (and also because there is a minor detail of Taion that was revealed thanks to a specific outfit you can get in the second wave of DLC for the game, and I don’t know if it counts as a spoiler or not).
Noah: Ears, armpits, stomach, navel
Mio: Ears, Core Crystal, sides
Eunie: Head wings (especially the base of the wings), hips. I’m still trying to think of a third spot for her.
Taion: Neck, shoulder blades, Core Crystal (I didn’t even know he had one until Wave 2 of the DLC added a swimsuit for him, where you can see something akin to a Core Crystal on his chest), lower arms, wrists
Lanz: Biceps, back, knees (both the front and the back of them)
Sena: Core Crystal, Navel, thighs, calves 
And just for fun, I’ll list which of the above spots is that specific character’s death spot. Tickle any of these spots, and that character will (virtually) die instantly.
Noah: Stomach
Mio: Sides
Eunie: I haven’t determined her death spot just yet, but I’m leaning towards the base of her head wings.
Taion: Neck
Lanz: Once again, I haven’t determined his death spot yet, but I’m leaning towards the back of his knees.
Sena: Calves
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