#thread: rhett x asli 01
marimelwrites · 1 year
@writermuses - Continued from your reply to my open starter HERE!
When the man had appeared, Asli hadn't expected a handsome stranger to be watching her. It was almost nerve-wrecking in a way that she absolutely wasn't used to. She performed in front of perfect strangers all of the time. It was her job, after all, and yet she found herself almost shy and embarrassed around this one. It didn't seem to make any sense to her. Then again, her sister had been the one who was gifted with an overwhelming sense of confidence. It was almost as if Asli spend all the confidence she had been afforded to follow her passion to play music.
"Guitar? Really?" Asli's curiosity was piqued now. She wondered what it would take to convince this stranger to play something for her in return. There was a moment's pause as she considered his request before she finally offered up a counter-suggestion. "How about this? I don't mind playing another one for you, and I will, if I could get a chance to hear you play guitar? Is that something that you would be willing to do? I would hate to put you on the spot if you don't feel comfortable doing that." She hoped he would agree, but she wasn't going to push him to do something that might make him uncomfortable. No matter how curious she was to hear another person's musical talents.
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