#tina you cant just ask how long someone’s been activated for! jeez! xDD
chenyounot-moved · 5 years
[ x ] @ask-cain-rk1k
She nods as she processes the information, serious expression soon morphing into amusement as her new partner changes the subject back to themselves. “I can’t say no to pho.” She snickers once before continuing. “Burgers are great too. I don’t have...many hobbies. Annoying my friends and coworkers? Maybe. My pets are my biggest hobbies, if we wanna call them that.” Tina shrugs a little as she continues to drive, glad the police car had an auto assist feature so she could divide her attention between the road and talking.
Her hands slide loosely around the wheel, dropping her head down to look at her attire once before meeting his eyes. “You can.. kind of tell my fashion sense. This is mainly what I wear. Though I do like to own a few nice things when I do go out.” She laughs to herself, a simple black T-shirt is obscured from view by a leather jacket, standard blue jeans hug her legs, ending in a pair of heavy black boots. “It feels weird as hell not wearing my uniform... but, how about you?” She asks a little awkwardly, not entirely sure what to ask the Android. “How long have you been uhh...awake for?”
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