#tiz RAMBLES more like jeez
tizzypizza · 1 year
your agent 24 is white savior fix yourself
good morning to you too, polite anon, who has clearly not read my interpretation of agent 24 beyond presumably a single comic! lengthy post incoming, so tl;dr rude, i’ve portrayed them as otherwise, valid concern but rude and do better.
in case you’re new here, my agent 24 is very much a captain 3 who is constantly busting ass to “make up for” the trauma that caused inner agent 3 in the first place, for essentially turning their world upside down, etc. and an agent 8 who is very resistant to captain 3 overworking and pushing themself towards what they believe will be “just compensation for all of the damage they caused.” my agent 8 is one who still spars with 3 and works as a weapons consultant, and i’ve explicitly shown this EXACT dynamic in one of my agent 24 posts. i’m sorry you got this idea from a single dumb comic that i’ve been getting increasingly tempted to take down despite it being my most popular post.
in my mind, agent 8 is someone with a more diverse skillset than 3 who can more than efficiently hold their own. they alone are the ones who made it through the entire campaign of octo expansion with the occasional bit of help from 3. it’s easy for me to simplify all of the agents for my dumb little meme posts— 3 as edgy, 4 as a nerd, 8 as sweet and n3 as a street rat— but i try to balance those posts out with more fleshed out content. octo expansion is chock-full of covert and overt racism; it’s the last story i’d want to leave oversimplified. that’s how white saviorism stories like this frankly belligerent anon mentioned come about.
last bit of talk poc-to-probably poc? as an asian living in america (hint: not white) who has endured MORE than their fair share of white saviorism in their time, i politely ask you to reconsider how you come swinging into other people’s inboxes. there’s better approaches to take than assumptions and better advice to offer than “fix yourself” LMFAO. i think “uwu helpless twaumatized agent 8” is rampant in this fandom, and as someone who has diagnosed trauma of their own it doesn’t sit right with me and i try to use my serious posts to create that distinction. if it’s been overrun by meme posts i’m sorry and i’ll try to put out more serious content in the future, but for now it’s 5 am my time gooooodnight.
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