#tldr mike has guilt written all over him and if the writing is good then its not just for shits and giggles
mikoran · 11 months
finn said mike was trying to be “normal.” we know this normalcy hes trying to obtain isnt in relation to dnd— hes very open about playing it and suppressing his nerdy side isnt part of his arc, but instead lucas’. him trying to be normal has nothing to do with the upside down shit either. were shown nothing the whole season that explicitly has to do with him trying to ignore the upside down or suppressing trauma or anything (hell, his storyline the whole season is completely disconnected from the supernatural plot, hence him never showing up in episode seven). hes just being the same kid he always is. that is, until he shows up in california
from the second he walks through the airport terminal were shown something is weird with his whole getup. he acts weird the whole day, his behavior feels forced, and to top it all off, he cant tell his girlfriend he loves her. he gets defensive over it. and this behavior just… doesnt line up with the explanation we were given
if he did love her, he had nothing to be so paranoid about. being scared to say you love your girlfriend because you think shell leave you one day doesnt result in whatever the hell mike was doing, especially in tv shows. and getting defensive over the prospect of not loving her puts him under even more scrutiny. in media were actively meant to see deflection of blame and defensiveness as a confirmation of guilt, so why would they have him act that way if he wasnt guilty? for drama? to throw us off the scent? fuck no, thats just shitty writing with no rhyme or reason
mike would not act that way if he was actually in love with her.
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