#trying to spell them is so embarrassing for some reaakn
sneezydarliing · 2 years
hellohello sorry i don't engage a lot i used to just lurk until recently :] but godhsb i love b/s/d
wails in fu/ku/za/wa enjoyer w NO content
hcs would be nice ily ty <3333
Hello!!! You are perfectly fine <3!!!
Also omg another fuku/zawa enjoyer?? I didn't know there was another. I will gladly share
Smaller fits of 3 or 4. Hear me out. Big man quiet sneeze.
Usually stifles [it's mentioned in a LN that he walks completely silently so naturally he sneezes as quiet as he possibly can as well] but will sneeze naturally if he's alone
Most often into his lap or stifled into the back of his wrist, but he will cover with his elbow in public [he's a very polite man]
Pollen allergy. Awful pollen allergy. You can tell when it begins because he comes into work with his nose tinted pink and rough already from using so many tissues at 8 am. Nose runs like a faucet. Sniffly man
His natural snz is very like. Breathy and wet. Sometimes the deepness of his voice comes out though
Mutters little curses after every fit <33
He doesn't bless people but if ppl he's close to bless him he'll hum a little thanks
Tries to talk through his fits
Gets a lil embarrassed when he sneezes during like a meeting and people notice
Not much for buildups,, they usually come very suddenly
Itchy nose all the time and he's constantly rubbing and pawing at it
"hold on plea-hIh'nGXt! hiH-ngt! christ.."
I'm the worst at snz spelling please have pity
If you have anything I'd love to hear it!!!
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