#tyty! sorry this one was late I wanted to save it for a monday
araedi ยท 10 months
๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ–Š ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŽง๐Ÿ˜ณ
[Munday Asks!]
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๐Ÿ’ โ€” any piercings? Just the ears! Had a bellybutton piercing as a teen but new puppy at the time saw to that rip.
๐Ÿ’Ž โ€” want any (more) piercings? Been considering it but need to book a consult and have been too lazy to commit >.> torn between more ear piercings (industrial or helix), eyebrow or septum.
๐Ÿ–Š โ€” any tattoos? Counting one that's mirrored, I have 10, including on the ear and hands >:3
๐Ÿ” โ€” want any (more) tattoos?
a l w a y s. Got a list of options for themes and some flash sheets I've purchased, just need the time and money and right artist for each now!
๐ŸŽง โ€” do you write while listening to music/podcasts/videos/etc, or do you need total silence?
Nah because I either end up typing the lyrics/dialogue into my reply or get distracted, so I use music and youtube while I draw. I do need some sound while I write though so I tend to slap on those 2-10 hour white noise or ambient music tracks on youtube.
๐Ÿ˜ณ โ€” what was your most embarrassing moment in the rpc?
The mere act of me existing on your dash :U nah idk I'm p chill and don't think I've done anything too publicly embarrassing. The most mortifying for me tend to be the concequences of my own adhd actions: realising I've left a thread hanging for a year+ on a reply; forgetting to respond to a lovely person's DM for months and then being too embarrassed to prod them again; not more thoroughly reading replies and doing whole posts based on a misread line of diaglogue or just stuffing it full of typos because no proofing we post direct from the fingertips like men. None of it's deeply serious or anything though so I'm not too worried lmao.
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