#uh? conservative?? minimally covering?? the bar of his skimpy outfit's skimp is so low I'm having a hard time describing ways to raise it
lizasweetling · 5 months
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I'm torn between the idea that this is somehow projection somehow by way of that Giant eye and this dude isn't really here and the idea that if he is here and chose to come just to pull Friendly Fire on this 'sniveling disgrace' that says a lot about them as a society
also: if the grand duke's antlers were a hat... I think this guys ones are his own. AND he has a horn! very cool
(outline added to make him a little bit more visible becase I like the design and want to oo and ah at it- look at his horn decorations! there seems to be a least 1 little man figure!! Whomever the heck this is, he's cool looking) (pun not intended)
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