#untagged fashion secondhand sustainable style reuse repair eco conscious consumption upcycle recycle waste circular
untaggedfashion · 4 years
5 ways to reduce your fashion carbon footprint
The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global CO2 emissions, and if we continue to increase our consumption at the current rate, this could grow to 25% by 2030. Clearly this is not sustainable, and we can all do our bit to turn the tide. Here are some solutions that I have incorporated into my everyday life, to try to have a more positive impact.
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1. The 30 wears challenge
This has been doing the rounds a lot on social media over the last year-or-so, and I think this is a really easy concept to grasp: only buy an item if you can imagine wearing it at least 30 times. That’s quite easy for a pair of jeans or a T-shirt, but really makes you stop and think when it comes to dresses and fashion-led items. The idea is to build yourself a capsule wardrobe of items you will cherish and wear in different ways.
I have also found many influencers are really great at styling items they’ve had for years in different ways, and they provide great inspiration (I love @trinnywoodall and @doesmybumlook40, let us know who you like!).
2. Only order online what I really think I’ll buy
The shocking truth is that many retailers do not re-integrate online returns into their system as to do so is too costly. This means that every time you order an item you don’t buy, it may go straight to landfill. So I no longer order loads of clothes to try at home, I restrict my online orders to only what I genuinely think I will buy, and try not to order in multiple sizes.
3. Wash less
We wash our clothes too often. In my household I saw habits forming where clothes were chucked in the wash after one wear. Now, often that’s needed with my teenage stepsons (!), but more often than not, clothes can be worn multiple times before they need to be washed. You can also try airing clothes once you’ve worn them. And another thing to try is washing at 30 degrees instead of 40, which reduces energy usage by up to 40%, and helps your clothes last longer. This has been a revelation for me, and the clothes still come out clean. Try it!
4. Second-hand first
A big mindset change for me since starting UNTAGGED has been to choose second-hand before new. I think about the gaps in my wardrobe and start my search on websites like ebay and Vestiaire (and UNTAGGED of course!) before considering buying it new. Right now I’m on a search for a leopard-print coat to take me through autumn - let me know if you spot something.
5. Learn to mend
It’s such a shame that many people don’t know how to mend a small hole in an item of clothing, or sew on a button. The idea of throwing something away just because it has a small blemish is so wasteful. There are websites and instagrammers who offer tips on how to repair and upcycle if you don’t feel very confident. I’ve also found a brilliant seamstress who can alter things I buy online that don’t quite fit - if you love something it’s really worth considering this before getting rid of it.
I’d love to know what you do to reduce your fashion footprint, please share your top tips!
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