#updated Kaizo and Musashi
west-tokyo-incidents · 10 months
Animals I associate the masters with, WITHOUT using animals the douji already have. For no reason other than I wanna have a thought experiment with myself and how I associate shit.
Mizho/michel - separately, and owl and a coyote. As a single entity, badger. American, specifically.
Owl because of cool calmness, silence, deadly observation, and it's association with death in kemetic mythos.
Coyote because of their tenacity and sheer ability to adapt and survive, also they live in monogamous pairs in the wild.
Badger because the American Badger is the second most brutal bastard weasel to exist, second to the Honey Badger. But the Honey Badger is African and doesn't have the right vibes.
Fusataro - Jaguar
Look I listened to Neon Tiger once and it ruined me, but the Tiger belongs to Sophia and Lions don't jive right. Fusataro doesn't strike me as some in-your-face king type, no pride, no big roar, but can definitely kill a black caiman with a single bite to the skull. Also Black Jaguars are just badass and regal and I love them and I love Fusataro.
Kei - Rat!
This is an unsurprising one, but it's for more than just his teeth. He cares about his family, he's skittish, but he's not defenseless. I imagine him as a little bit pack-rat like, hoarding little things that might be useful in the future. Rats are very social animals that get depressed alone and I feel like he's a poor wet rat who's stuck in a cage with an aggressive smaller male(Vice) but he deals with it because the alternative is being alone.
Lady Gekko/Rune - Luna Moth/Praying Mantis
Listen I think my reasons for this are obvious. Luna Moth-Moon-Jealousy it fits. BUT ALSO. Luna Moths, once they mature, find love and then die. Which. Yeah. That tracks. And female Praying Mantises are fucking bad ass bugs with a reputation for killing their mates. I don't think I have to explain more than that.
Hana - Honey Badger
Okay I'm writing out my thoughts process as I decide because usually I associate her with a bear cub but I'm avoiding repeating animals and a bear is Eater's. Maybe a Tasmanian Devil but that feels... Almost too easy, I guess? Or maybe she gets the Honey Badger. Yeeee. Cause maybe as she grows her two big role models are probably Mizho and Akitsu and I can absolutely see her going batshit when she hits their age.
Akira - Show-Line Dog, probably something like a Doberman
This one is kinda rough, because I definitely associate him with a young male lion, one who doesn't have a pride yet but is looking to take one over. BUT... Idk if Orghullo's animal is a lion or a foo dog so I'm playing it safe. He's definitely an intelligent animal, and not a dog who's just for looks. He definitely can use his teeth if he has to.
Sumako - Ferret
Domestic, cute, cuddly, wants to hoard her favorite people to herself. But do not forget she is a carnivore and a weasel and ferrets thrive on a whole-prey diet and watching one devour a frozen-thawed mouse is an experience I'll never forget. I want one so bad.
Kaizo - Wild Boar
And now the hardest part. The good guys......
Changed from Hamster. I don't know why, and yes I realize Gauge's animal is a boar, BUT... when I think animal aus or like the daemon au and stuff I just. Keep coming back to a boar. Something something pigs=greedy animal, wild boar=violent pigs. So. Idk.
Yamato - Golden Retriever
Probably a rescue, especially one with a bad history but still has all the love in the world. I really don't think I have to explain this one.
Sayama - Domestic Cat
Aloof, cute, loving if socialized properly(she was not, her father was Dunstan, but I digress), and cunning.
Matsumoto - Grey Fox
Kia has laid claim on the red fox, but I feel like Matsumoto, especially following her sequence with Jun, is a lot more cunning than she lets on. She's meticulous and careful, though also skittish and would rather run than confront a larger threat.
Hibari - Black Footed Wild Cat
Highest K:D Ratio of any wild cat. Extremely protective of their family. Not to be under estimated for their size. Sharp witted, deadly, and smol.
Akitsu - Maned Wolf
Pretty legs Tall, diligent for danger, not quite as deadly as they seem but still a predator.
Musashi - Donkey/Mule
Yoichi - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Changed from moose because. Let's be real, they're not attractive animals and it's hard to take it seriously when I'm trying to write shit.
But he's an ass.
Okay, terrible jokes aside, Donkeys and their ilk are livestock guards against canine predators like coyotes and wolves and they're merciless and stubborn as hell when they have a target. They can be loving and mischievous with their owners.
Listen I'm a dog trainer for a living and there is no animal on this planet that fits this man more than this very specific dog breed. Calm, focused, very smart, literally the perfect first-time-owner dog in my opinion. Easy going, forgiving, would give you the world if they could.
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