#v.illains are more often than not always going to have a MUCH different perspective on the actions they take than anything
meatriarch · 3 months
gently whispers in my half asleep state so vaguely hand gestures if this is worded weird:
villains / big bads / reluctant enemies / etcetc however you wish to describe them, villains are incredibly complex. not everyone is going to view them in the same manner, not everyones going to be comfortable with the actions they take, decisions they make, their inner thoughts and feelings on what they do. but writing villains as what they are - villains - means understanding that how they think, how they behave, is very different than your heroes, your good guys, your in-between background npcs. me writing nancy for example is very much me taking her and pushing her slowly into more extreme territory ie her abilities, or the fact shes been killing since she was a child, or how shes treated johnny as he grew up. its looking at thomas and focusing on the effects of his familys situation, of charlton & charlies a.buse, his being bullied growing up by kids his age, how charlie uses that against him to upset and rile him up to be so aggressive and violent and kill under the guise of "protect the family" but hes also just needlessly being a fucking dick and re-triggering tf out of thomas. its ludas complacency in charlie coaxing the hewitts into that territory of both killing & eating people. the hewitts & sawyers are villains but theyre sympathetic in the sense of their respective situations - poverty, a.buse, disregarded and left to rot by the gov. & leo's. their family dynamics are complicated and confusing af - but theres a twisted sense of bond, of devotion, of loyalty, to their families that at its core is still very human and understandable.
maria, lee, and those with dire au's are all villains in those respective verses and routes yet are still sympathetic because of the way their hands were forced, into becoming complacent, into wanting to not endure the conditions and hells they were subjected to in order to survive. "domesticated" routes for cc / nosy isnt lined up to give them a "redemption" arc of any type - its the exploration of how two people who've lived in this dynamic for so many years have not only been affected by those days to weeks to months to years of repeated conditioning & reinforcement & praise & isolation, but is also their respective effects on those theyve bonded with in that time and how that, in turn, has altered the life they live under this shared roof. its sad. its tragic. its complicated and confusing and infuriating to anyone on the outside looking in - but for them? its their normal. its their comfort. its their home. its their new family, because the one they had before everything went to shit all but seemingly, in their eyes & it being drilled into their heads through those twenty years, all but abandoned them, left them for dead, left them to rot. and as fucked up as it is, they found that love & loyalty in the situation they were left in - and in one another, in maria & lees case in nosy. as skewed and unreliable as their perspectives are.
writing villains and how they affect those around them, those they encounter whether on positive or negative terms and how they also are affected by those people and scenarios to me is part of what makes them very interesting.
i send kisses to the sky for all my mutuals who take on villains and bad guys etc, i love writing them and i hope you guys love writing yours too ♡
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