#valid either like i can guarantee they shit on things like neopronouns or obsecure identites
theevilicecreamsoda · 4 months
You know what, for a community that’s supposed to be about “loving” each other and being a community we sure do jack shit. We’ll be like “everyone’s welcome 😊” then “erm except you, you arent queer enough, you havent suffered enough” is that all we are? Are we only fucking valuable to you if we fucking suffer? Is that the only reason im queer? Because i have been hurt? If thats all this fucking community is then i dont want to be queer. If this community decides its going to be hellbent on picking and choosing who or what belongs then fuck you all. If this community only focuses on the pain and suffering people have felt then ignore that of others then fuck you all. Grow the hell up.
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