#violent fantasies about john shepard beating the shit out of the illusive man is normal right?
Microfic 7 let’s gooooo
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Silent Fury
It was like an angry, coiled snake, poised to strike. It pulled the cords of his neck taught, made his fists clench so tight, that if he hadn't been wearing armored gloves, his nails might have torn through the hard-earned calouses on his palm. As it was, the padding there creaked ominously, as though it were possible for him to break through the space age fabric by sheer force of his own grip.
That fury, silent and dangerous, wrote itself in harsh lines across his forehead after they set Ash's unconcious, battered body on a gurney in the empty medbay. That smug fucking bastard had won one over on him, and nearly killed Williams in the process.
“She needs medical attention,” Liara leaned across the gurney, pulling his focus out of the raging storm within.
He tasted copper, blood trickled from the split that he'd just torn in his lip. John nodded, barely able to process such a simple statement. “Get us to the Citadel,” he barked to the air, assured that EDI and Joker were more than capable of figuring that out.
There was blood in her hair. Her lips were blue.
He would bide his time, but Commander Shepard was going to kill The Illusive Man, whatever it took.
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