#viren harrow rayla ezran & callum probably get it the worst in about that order
raayllum · 1 year
it really is so interesting to watch people fandom wise in terms of their stances go from “huh that’s a slightly different interpretation that’s neat” to “okay that’s kind of a weird take” to “alright bad faith mischaracterization” to “you’re criticizing this character for traits they don’t even have” to “you clearly resent and/or hate this character (even if you won’t admit that you do) for weird personal projection reasons” in real time
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ladyandherbooks · 4 years
Act 2: Moon Family
Seasons 4-5 or Act 2 of the Dragon Prince saga is going to delve into more, previously unexplored storylines that will expand upon the world of the we were introduced to in seasons 1-3 aka Act 1. One of the most important storylines will be centred around the Moon family.
Season 4 will deal with finding and freeing Runaan, Lain and Tiadrin, Callum and Ethari bonding and Moon family flashbacks. Season 5 will deal with Callum and Runaan interacting, Runaan, Lain and Tiadrin accepting Callum and Rayla’s relationship, the 3 of them adjusting to their new world, Runaan getting his own arc/storyline and maybe more flashbacks e.g. How Rayla got onto the Harrow and Ezran assassination mission.
There are many reasons why I believe this will happen:
1)      Season 4, specifically the end of the season is the ideal time to free the Moon family trio as it marks both the halfway point of the show and the second Act.
2)      The ending of the second Act of a 3 part/Act story always ends badly for the heroes, usually with them losing. So, having our heroes snagging 1 big, final victory before everything goes wrong would fit well with the end of season 4. What better victory than finally reuniting the Moon family before everything takes a turn for the worst?
3)      The second graphic novel https://kuno-chan.tumblr.com/post/615725664802390016/d-pennants-scholastic-bookfest-qa-chat-room (scroll down to the end of the interview)  is set between seasons 4 and 5. One important reason why there appears to be a short time skip between seasons 4 and 5 is because it gives Lain, Tiadrin and Runaan time to catch up and learn of all the changes that have occurred during their imprisonment, as well as giving Runaan time to recover and heal from his injuries (perhaps even recovering from an amputated arm), dehydration and starvation. This is important as it eliminates the constant confusion that would occur during season 5 if a short time skip did not happen or if they were freed during season 5, as well as ensuring that Runaan is not bedridden during season 5, thus giving him an opportunity to play an active role on the plot, perhaps even have his own arc.    
4)      Runaan’s character arc. Earlier in the year Jonathan Holmes, Runaan’s VA was interviewed on the HBMP podcast and mentioned that he had been reassured that Runaan would not only be coming back but that he would have an arc or a role to play in future seasons. For said arc not to be rushed then season 4 should be where this really kicks off.
5)      The second time skip. If the Moon family trio are freed at the end of season 5 it really pushes all their development to the final 2 seasons, seasons which should really focus and have as many characters as possible cooperating in order to stop Aaravos. By pushing their release and therefore also their character development to the very end of the shows run runs the risk of their stories and character development being rushed and unsatisfying, especially when you compare it to other supporting character’s development and arcs e.g. Amaya and Janai.
6)      Rayla, Lain and Tiadrin’s ghosting. In order for Rayla, Lain and Tiadrin to be deghosted you need to have both Runaan and Ethari travelling back to the Silvergrove to vouch for them. Runaan, as leader of the assassins and the only other survivor of that fateful mission can tell the rest of the Silvergrove that he took Rayla off the mission and therefore it could be argued that she did not technically abandon them. They can then also reveal the truth behind what happened at the Storm Spire, that Lain and Tiadrin stayed behind and fought Viren, managed to save Zym but were then taken prisoner by the dark mage and kept in magic coins. This would hopefully ensure that they would all eventually be unghosted, allowing them to finally go home.
7)      Devon Giehl. Devon Giehl, the head writer at Wonderstorm created Runaan, Ethari and Ruthari, they are her babies, her personal favourites. She loves them so much that she even went the extra mile and wrote a short story for Ethari’s birthday, something that has not happened for any other character. With her as head writer I believe that she will give the Moon family, especially Runaan and Ethari enough screentime to grow and develop at a believable and reasonable pace.
8)      Runaan and the mirror. Runaan is the only character who knows about Viren’s interest in Aaravos’ mirror and is currently the only elf who appears to know anything about this mirror. Him knowing about and seeing the mirror should be important and therefore should play a part in the plot, sooner rather than later as this knowledge will probably be useless at the end of season 5.
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