#vp is supposedly filled with the best of the best. dying frequently does not showcase that type of genius talent vp wants
non-operator · 2 years
this might be a Hot Take, but I don't think Cypher has a death wish or suicidal ideation, as used in a bunch of cypher angst fics.
I'd argue that he shown more of a desire to stay alive than a desire to die.
For one, he has two lines "I must survive to protect my family..." and when he survives a round on low HP, he says "Nora, I will see you again".
Furthermore, there's also the line "I will stop anyone who tries to come through. I must keep my secrets with me" and "My truths stay hidden for one day more" He can't really protect his secrets if he takes the chance to die....
In the reddit QnA, the devs said "Off-screen events have occurred that have spared those three [Omega Cypher, Jett, and Viper] their lives… this time". It implies that even with Sage and Skye and whatever "tricks up their sleeve" both Valorants have, the threat of death is very much still present.
In any case, I feel like Cypher has far more incentive to stay alive than to indulge in any desire to get himself killed, even for a glimpse of seeing "them". If anything, I feel like Cypher is more likely to abandon the mission and save himself instead of going for a sacrifice play. (which isn't to say he'd ditch at first sight of risk; his clutch voice line says he plays "high stakes". Rather that if the mission's looking impossible, I don't think he'd be the one to hold onto hope and try to go for a last second defuse or lucky kill. I think he'd try to cut his losses, a "live to fight another day" type of mentality)
More rambling under the cut
This is just unrelated, but also, Cypher just seems to enjoy living? If you listen to his voice lines, he clearly enjoys holding power/having the advantage over his enemies.
I guess the flippant way he treats the life-or-death battles can read as him not taking things seriously or holding his life in high regard. However, a lot of his lines seem to show an expectation of survival? Like "I wonder if they have any parts I can salvage. Hmm, implants? I need those!" He's already looking towards the rewards of victory; "Let's close up shop. I have things to do" Again he has goals to achieve and dying only hinders him. He also does show that he understands the gravity of situation and takes them seriously when he says "Spend like there is no tomorrow! Because there just might not be…" He's fighting to win, not to throw his life away for a mere whim.
Lastly, if we read his questioning of Sage's resurrection ability to imply that he wants to revive some people, then I think this just solidifies that Cypher doesn't have a death wish at all.
He loves living. He doesn't want to join the dead; he wants the dead to join him.
#valorant#valorant cypher#the keep reading bit is just because the post was getting long#and it's not super necessary to the argument. but it does add onto it#Cypher's a character who clearly has a lot of baggage and angst in his past. but I just don't think he deals with it Like This#he's a man who is used to killing people and seems completely fine with it#he enjoys invading people's privacy simply to have something to hold over them. even if he'll never actually use it#ie the line about having pictures of his enemies' families#or at least he acts like it#he's clearly not dealing with his issues in a healthy way but it's certainly not as obvious as satisfying suicidal ideation#vp is supposedly filled with the best of the best. dying frequently does not showcase that type of genius talent vp wants#i don't think they'd ignore or not detect that kind of pattern#and even if they don't know it's on purpose. would they really let him back on the field if he keeps dying?#once or twice or thrice is pretty reasonable and might prompts jokes. but making it a habit? that's a liability#this was prompted by the cypher angst fics that used this idea#which isn't to say they're bad or wrong. i enjoyed reading them :)#it just got me thinking more than necessary about cypher#and if vp would notice that or how they'd deal with that. like does vp hire a therapist or something...?#or do they just put the agent on leave and let them loose and say 'alright deal with that by yourself adios loser'
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