#w physical media its easier of course cuz which way the spine is gives u half of the info but as mentionned theres stuff that zigzags
nicomrade · 5 months
i get it if u truly rarely read stuff thats written right to left and i will admit some stuff youll see cropped on social media is NOT clear on reading orientation unless ure already familiar w the source material but sometimes (most of the time!) the composition tells you what order to read stuff in. like read some shoujo like sugar sugar rune is a great one at teaching you how to instinctually move from one bubble to the next without following a strict "its read in this direction" rule. like that dunmesh pic the first bubble you read is the highest one thats so natural and like basic comic composition. or this other rui comic i just knew what order to read it in before i could tell if it was japanese or american or what
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cuz again, the first bubble is the highest. and also the 2nd panel has the blackboard in the bg linking it visually with the first one. it flows like: the blackboard -> zoom out to show the teacher in front of the blackboard -> camera moves to show the rest of the class. its elegant! the composition tells you what order to read it in!!!!!
this isnt how comics (regardless of language & country origin) are ALWAYS drawn but they OFTEN are. this flow between the speech bubbles and drawings so you naturally move from one to the other is so essential. we have moved past numbering panels and having arrows pointing to the next one not cuz now everyone Knows how to read comics but because we have developped OTHER more elgant composition tools that give you this information instead ! u gotta develop this instinct like come on!! not so ull read random cropped images right but so ull eventually read a full book without straining for what bubble comes next and therefor enjoy it more and pay attention to other things. this too is reading comprehension
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