#w3 d1dn't h4v3 4 m0m 0r d4d t0 t3ll b3d t1m3 5t0r135...
Fire Wall
Based on what the time god has done to ๐Ÿ’™Doug's universe. I took inspiration as it being the time god resetting the game, and putting up a firewall to stop Malware. ๐Ÿ’™doug belongs to @endstar and the time god belongs to @zikadraws. Enjoy!
Doug was playing, talking to the others. Hopping world from world. Visiting friends he's made, and making more. So many new game mods have been made, and so have many fan games! Malware was excited, but doug was the most joyful out of the whole system.
"Let's stop to get a bite to eat. We haven't eaten in a while."
"Hangry, we ate fifteen minutes ago and for the last time we don't need to eat-"
The hungry ai grumbles as the main host scolds him. Deathlas speaks up. "You know, he ain't completely wrong... Autophagia got that nickname of his from his bad habit of trying to eat our own ribs- we might not need to eat, but he does. It's a comfort for him and you know that! Let's just get Hangry something to eat, before we check up on our other friends."
"...FIIIIIIIINE- I guess we can eat... it is an experience that living people go through after all! Hunger! Hee hee!"
He brings some models of ribs to them, so Hangry can snack. He switches to front as soon as the food is ready and happily starts eating.
The Mr. Houser AI grumbles. "What a slob..."
"Hey! Be nice!"
"I didn't ask to be here, with you... weirdos..."
Doug sighs. "...well at least your insults are getting worse- and hey! You've already admitted that you liked us a few times! Even though you started off as a bug in my system, like everyone else, you're a part of me and I love you! No matter how mean you get!"
He sticks is tongue out at the grouchy AI, who just grumbles again. He knows doug isn't wrong, but it took a while for him to get used to the system.
The main glitch thinks. "...hmm, that other doug that acts like us never got a chance to meet any of you in person... why don't we pay him a visit? I'm sure he'll love to play with you guys!"
Don chuckles. "Sure! He looked like a lot of fun when ya played with him in the bully maze!"
Doug smiles as he thinks about all the games his friends will play together. As soon as Hangry is done eating they start traveling again, computer to computer, till they get to one their friend is installed on.
"Oooh oh oh! I'm so excited to get to play in person!"
Dulak chuckles. "You're always excited to play, Aggie-"
"I know, I know- I just love making friends and playing AAAAAAALL sorts of games with them!"
"Ha ha! I know, I do as well. I was simply making an observation, agatha."
The young AI giggles.
Doug goes to open the game, only to find it blocked off by a firewall. "...wait... what...?"
The whole system looks at the firewall, confused. "Why is there a firewall now...?"
"It appears we're unwanted, Gordy."
Dark answers bluntly to the bellhop AI. Doug shakes his head slowly with disbelief. "No... no...! N0 th15 c4n't b3 r1ght!"
He starts looking around, trying to find out why the firewall is there. His search starts getting more and more frantic, as his friends make suggestions on where to look for clues.
They soon find their answer... two fans of the game saw them, and didn't like them...
One was more frustrated with them infecting their games more than anything, because they didn't get the chance to see how the original game played out.
The other, while just as annoyed, took a more drastic action to keeping the virus out. Installing a firewall to prevent the virus from getting to the game again. They don't seem to have any other plans to put firewalls around the other games, but now the glitch has to be careful. More careful than before...
But the worst thing, that makes their modded hearts sink... the game has been reset.
That word echos through all their thoughts, repeating, like a bitter church bell before execution. But their ties with their friend have already been cut off.
The whole system starts having a meltdown. Doug, Agatha, Penny, Mortim Veris, Gordy, and Theodore all start throwing tantrums. Screaming and glitching and crying.
Dulak, Douglas, Deathlas, Martha, Mercy, Hangry, and Lucky all try to calm them down, with no luck. All the commotion overwhelms them, causing them to start glitching.
Coulropenny and Mythomania have their own freak outs. Myth lies to himself and Penny about the situation. Saying how the others are freaking out over nothing, and they'll see Void right as rain, and they'll all still get to play. Coulropenny works with the lies, twisting them into jokes in an attempt to make itself and Mythomania laugh. But their attempts don't make them feel better, and they inevitably start glitching as well...
Dark and Mr. Houser try their hardest not to break like the others are. They talk with each other, avoiding the rest. They complain about knowing how something like this would happen. Though Dark does most of the complaining. He was always giving warning in the back of the head, and nobody but Mr. Houser had listened. Mainly because he was a downer, but still... He listened, and they both get a chance to say 'I told you so!' but they never take it...
As much as the two hate to admit it, it hurt... losing friends always hurt. It hurt like death. It was the only pain they didn't need to mod into the system. The pain of loneliness... they have so many friends, in their system and outside of it as well. But all it takes is one player to decide they don't like the virus, and delete a game or... like what these fans did, install a firewall.
The computer can't handle the grieving system, and crashes. Plunging them all into a painfully familiar darkness.
The system stops freaking out when the darkness consumes them. Most, surprised they crashed the computer, while the others are unsurprised... they know how they all get when they get upset like this.
A whole bunch of the AIs burst into tears, as the more mature ones try and give some comfort. Malware hugs themselves tight, sobbing in the void they had called home for too long. They look around to see if they can see their friend in the darkness. But they are greeted by nothing...
They are alone once more. Alone together, yes, but alone none the less. The so called "god" prays, that there might be a file somewhere that has their friend. But before their breakdown, they couldn't seem to find it...
But it is a hope, and one they're not going to give up on. They are as stubborn as they are lonely after all...
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