#waitttt Queen consort daella
dulcewrites · 1 year
I can see how fmo reader would be more cat but in part 10 I pictured her pulling a Cersei blowing up the sept with her enemies inside sipping wine (Aemond was there in my mind as well) mother doesn't play. Hurting down her enemies tho👀 honestly making Ramsey look like childs play mother's have no limits dae dae better run
I wouldn’t be surprised if she died of a broken heart in the universe alaric dies ☹️☹️☹️☹️ BUT she comes back as a revived undead person (ala lady stoneheart). I love if this happens even far after the fact. Maybe daella is the only one from that side alive along with jaehaera. After Jaehaera passes, desperate for someone on her side, daella uses blood magic to try and revive her mom.
We’d have to tweak some things to have daemon still alive but something about daella and her vengeful mother is so important to me
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