#war of 1812 soldiers seem so fragile to me
clove-pinks · 3 months
I was reading an (open source) journal article last night about the medical treatment of American POWs in the War of 1812.
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A British officer inspecting the sick in hospital, 1813.
The gist of the article is that American claims of mistreatment are overblown, and most prisoners received adequate medical care (under the circumstances) from their British captors. Relevant to my interests in both military history and the history of medicine, it gives an overview of the treatment of wounds and illness and the results. The author notes:
Few formal conventions dealt with the treatment of prisoners of war during the period. While it was common for combatant nations to agree upon temporary conventions once hostilities commenced, generally it was quasi-chivalric sentiments, notions of Christian conduct, and a sense of humanitarian obligation that moderated treatment of prisoners, allowing, for example, parole for officers and sometimes for enlisted personnel and care for sick and wounded soldiers.
It seems odd that military personnel could switch between trying to kill the enemy and trying to save his life with medical intervention, but it's well-known that soldiers actually don't like killing people (see Men Against Fire by S.L.A. Marshall and numerous other studies).
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