#we can't even technically say we know without a doubt that Lauren is Claudia
spottedenchants ยท 28 days
While it is extremely fun to clown on Essek for his disguises, consider:
What if they're shoddy because we know him? ๐Ÿ‘€ To anyone that's spent time studying his mannerisms and speech patterns and personality (say, an avid fan base or the friends that saved his life by ruining it), it's practically that Song of Achilles quote. To anyone else (purely in-universe now), perhaps they'd recognize the accent or find his casting methods unique. Without prompting, would they realize 'that's Essek Thelyss, the once-Shadowhand of the Kryn Dynasty'? Did anyone learn him well enough before he fled the Dynasty to recognize him in an instant? In a conversation? In a day?
What if Essek's disguises are good because they count on no one knowing the person beneath them? ๐Ÿ‘€
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