#we didnt need the engine drama because theres no drama when the chopper is in frame!!!!!!
nightingaletrash ยท 2 months
The fact that they spent almost the whole the episode fretting over the engines when the helicopter was right there in shot.
These kids will come up with the most complicated card game strategies known to man and still be stupid fucking idiot morons. The adults and non-gamers are unfortunately not exempt, which honestly, they don't even have gamer brain as an excuse. It'd have been far more realistic for them to be like 'guys it's fine we have a chopper, let's just worry about the fact that Kaiba might be blowing up this tower as a suicide note over losing a card game tournament'.
Because honestly, Kaiba killing himself over the fact that he lost at his own tournament isn't the dumbest idea they've had this episode.
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