#well besides getting incredibly jealous about every single thing but yea. maybe my actual main sin is envy 🤷‍♀️
my obsessive crushes over the years:
- sonic the hedgehog (i was 4/5)
- capndesdes (i was 11 - ik he's a creep)
- tobuscus (i was 12 - ik he's a creep)
- dean supernatural/jensen ackles (13-15)
- jake gyllenhaal (14 or 15 idr)
- michael from 5sos (15)
- kim taehyung (16-18)
- kim yugyeom (18-21)
- buncha other kpop dudes in there tbh (16-21)
- claude von riegan (19-23)
- seteth (19-20)
- beelzebub from obey me (21)
- jerma (22-23)
- junkrat *NEW* (23)
prob missed a few but yea. in between all of these i had crushes on irl ppl but i think this displays a startling trend about me
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