#whalefelled: keyleth
xfindingtrouble · 1 year
❝  i’m staying.  ❞ - keyleth bc she wants Percy to feel safe!!!
Percy tries not to let the wave of relief sweep away his carefully tempered expression. Truth be told, he had been a bit prickly leading up to this moment. it was easier to push back when his friends tried to offer their support, it was more natural to him than anything else. But he was a bit uncomfortable with the thought of facing this night on his own. the day had been filled with ceaseless, racing thoughts. it happened from time to time, it was natural to him & he could usually shove them behind the passing noise of the day. but when the world went to sleep, it became a bit harder. taking things in stride wasn't nearly as easy when walking alone.
He would claim to be content to bite the metaphorical bullet & stay awake until his mind settled. Percy could tinker, draw, write, whatever would keep his hands busy enough to calm his mind. but another person in the room, especially one that made him feel so whole as Keyleth, was more grounding than he had words for. it diluted the intensity of any spirals he may try to fall into.
which is why he's so secretively thankful for Keyleth's insistence. She has a way of seeing right through any wall he builds, no matter how carefully he lays the emotional stonework. the day was hard & there was no way to hide it from her. truthfully, he wasn't sure that he was going to get to sleep regardless of her presence but it seemed like a less daunting task with her at his side.
" Well, you sound like you've already made up your mind, " Percy muses, trying to downplay the weight that slides from his shoulders. He doesn't want her to notice & try to pick it up. She looks as tired as he feels," But I can't ask you to operate on my hours. You can stay as long as you want to but don't feel like you have to stay awake on my behalf. "
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
' i'm just saying, i'm glad you're on my side ' - kiki to cass 🥺
blue eyes rise to the sky above them, stars beginning to peer over the setting sun. it was a warm night, warmer than most nights in Whitestone. The sweet smell of the earth drifted off the soft patch of grass they had settled upon, grounding Cassandra in the literal sense of the word.
She's unsure why the words are so striking. They catch her off guard, something that happens more & more often lately. It's a sentiment she shares with Keyleth.There was something cathartic about the time they had spent together recently. Whitestone was Cassandra's home, it always would be. She would never stop loving it. But there were ghosts in those old halls, the sort Cassandra could never be rid of.
Here, among the air Ashari, she had the opportunity to witness a different variety of life. It was colorful, magical & marvelous. Though that wonder was secondary to having Keyleth to help her navigate it, witnessing the love she lent to her people. It was familiar & different all at once. They had ended the day decompressing under the setting sun, a ritual Cassandra hoped she would have the chance to get used to.
Keyleth was inspirational, stubborn & endearingly odd. As wild as she was, she carried the burden of leadership with such grace. Cassandra knew what it was to carry her people on her shoulders, but Keyleth's road would be much longer than Cassandra's. Keyleth was writing a history she would have the time to tell. it was nothing short of inspirational. Beyond that, it was precious to know the woman beyond the mantle.
"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. " for once, Cassandra speaks before she thinks. where she may usually comb over her thoughts before presenting words, she is nearly enthusiastic to share this reality. at keyleth's side, Cassandra often felt safe. It wasn't a familiar feeling by any means but it was true. There was a shared familiarity with grief & the growth wrought from it.
Their paths were similar, parallel to one another though individual. Perhaps this is why it's so easy for Keyleth to disarm her, intentionally or not. There is a brief pause as she tries to locate where she had found that voice, though she's not sure if she can, " I suppose I mean - I'm glad I'm here too. With you. It's a bit less lonely this way. "
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