#whbcx2 island meeting intermission 2
toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[January]: Well, I have nothing specific to report, myself, so... that’s it for e-board updates. I’ll open it up to the rest of you, now.
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[January]: Well, moving on... Zeinaba, any outside communications news?
[Zeinaba]: Besides the regular food shipments... well. I was in contact with this organization in Europe, but they just... stopped responding to my emails. And any contact I’ve tried to make with, you know, world governments has still gotten me nothing. And I don’t know if it’s the connection or if we’re just being ignored by the rest of the world or what!! And I think we should just... completely give up on Riverview. They’re too busy beheading people out there.
[January]: ...Noted. Fuck Riverview.
[Zeinaba]: Yeah.
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[January]: Anyway, same deal as before, starting with introductions. Counter-clockwise this time! Name and pronouns. You all know me, but I’m January, they/them.
[Zeinaba]: Zeinaba, she/her.
[Sucre Val]: Sucre Valentina... but you can just call me Sucre Val. She and her. I’m [gesturing towards Zeinaba] this one’s mom.
[Amber]: Amber, she/her!
[Diazi]: Diazi. She/her.
[Honeydew]: And I’m Honeydew, ze/hir or ze/zer.
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[Honeydew]: ...Now that the others are gone. Are you worried about somebody specific?
[Diazi]: What? N-No. It’s just a... hypothetical, you know?
[Honeydew]: ...If you’re worried about them finding out you said something--don’t. I wouldn’t, we wouldn’t attach your name to it.
[Diazi]: ...Hey, after the BC ends, do you think Hensley would be available to talk about those roses she grows? I’m... uh... getting interested in... floral arranging.
(x x)
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[Honeydew]: Hey, Diazi. Before you leave...
[Diazi]: Huh?
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[January]: Well, if that’s it, then... meeting adjourned!
[Sucre Val]: Well, you seemed pretty eager to wrap up this meeting...
[January]: Marisa and I gotta talk end-of-BC stuff.
[Sucre Val]: Ah.
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[January]: Hey, Z, what would we do?
[Zeinaba]: Why am I the consultant for this?! This isn’t a foreign relations question!
[January]: ‘Cause you’re directly to my right, which makes you my temporary right-brain woman.
[Zeinaba]: I don’t think that’s a saying. ...Do we have any mental health professionals on the island? Maybe we should figure that out...
[January]: Yeah. Let’s keep ‘tossing people into the ocean’ as a last last last last last resort.
[Zeinaba]: ...Who brought that up?
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[Diazi]: I’ve just been thinking about... [sigh] How do we... if someone--someone who came over on the boat with us, I mean--if they, you know, fell into despair or whatever, what would we... do?
[January]: Are you... concerned about somebody specific? ... This isn’t about Van--
[Diazi]: Pfff-- I can’t even imagine that. ...But, um, no. Nobody in particular. Just a general concern.
[January]: Alright, cool. Uh...
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[January]: ...Anything else?
[January]: ‘Ey, Diazi, you haven’t said much since the meeting started. Are you just, I dunno, observing, or...
[Diazi]: Um... yep, yep, just... observing.
[January]: Alright! ... Well, if no one else has anything to bring up, I guess we can end a little earl--
[Diazi]: Wait! I-- um, I just remembered.
[January]: Oh? Well, the floor’s yours.
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[Sucre Val]: Well, I’ve been wondering about our future plans. As in, when everything happening back home passes--and I have faith it will, eventually--what do we do? Do we pack up and go back to the mainland, or do we stay here?
[Amber]: I’ve been wondering the same thing!! I think it’d be super cool if we just stayed here and became our own country and... do we need a flag? Should we be thinking about designing a flag?
[January]: Hey, this seems like a foreign relations question.
[Zeinaba]: I think it sounds like a primary organizer question!!
[January]: As temporary primary organizer of this island, I’m calling it a foreign relations question.
[Zeinaba]: [sigh]... Well, I need the rest of the world to talk to me to really figure that one out. And also... there’s ruins on this island, not to mention a whole set of roads none of us built--so this place used to be part of somewhere. Can we really call it our own?
[January]: ...Basically, we’ll figure it out later. Yeah?
[Zeinaba]: Yeah.
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toxoplasmajuice · 3 years
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[January]: So, we can start with... Honeydew. I see you’re alive.
[Honeydew]: Yeah, um- ah! Sorry I forgot to let you know sooner.
[January]: Well, what did you find down there?
[Honeydew]: Yes, um--! To give everybody context, January gave me permission to investigate those catacombs last night--as long as I had a buddy.
[January]: You... did remember the buddy part, right?
[Honeydew]: Of course! I took Saturday.
[January]: ...Ah.
[Honeydew]: Well, it was... weird. The mausoleum was pitch black until--I swear I’m not making this up--a torch by the back of the building lit itself for us. I’m serious. And--the way into the catacombs was just open for us.
[January]: Huh...
[Honeydew]: But we couldn’t actually... go much further. The bones were stacked up all the way to our feet, we physically couldn’t go down without, you know, disturbing a bunch of bones... and Saturday wanted to leave at that point, so, yeah.
[January]: Huh. We should probably--
[Honeydew]: And then nothing else happened and we went back to our houses!
[January]: ...Right. Well, we should probably block that off for good at some point. Sooner is better.
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