#when she started ranting about guilt omg it was soooo white skdmfklcl
maxellminidisc · 5 months
I'm sure I speak for a lot of poc but I'm genuinely SICK of the way white guilt is just another way white people stay racist. And by that I mean I hate how selfish and self centered white people are even in their guilt. Instead of using the feeling of guilt to light a fire under their ass, educate themselves, change their perspective, or at least learn when to be silent and listen, white people use their guilt as an excuse to be angry for themselves, excuse, dismiss, or attempt to absolve themselves of racism and accountability.
It's like unbelievably frustrating and disheartening especially as a leftist of color, cause you have entire circles of white people who supposedly are sooo well read and constantly open to learning but then they can't drill the basics of understanding what antiblackness and other expressions of racism look like in their peers let alone in themselves and in their specific global communities. And instead of actually stepping back and learning, thinking about it in the context of their lives, it makes them angry and they turn the language of leftism into a tool of racism against their peers of color who are hoping against the odds of having to deal with racism in a supposedly progressive and open space. Like how heinous and cruel is that shit!?
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