#when you wanna world build but the author (rightly) was like 'I don't need to explain all of this'
emilykaldwen · 2 years
(so I’m ranting a little at @inmydrcams​ and working this thought process out in two places lmao)
not me sitting here glaring at the lack of micro level development in Fire & Blood trying to figure out what to do for Abrogail. The marriage to Erwin makes sense for Corrynna (even though we technically don’t know how he’s a Lannister, IDGAF). While the odds of Erwin become Lord of Casterly Rock are INCREDIBLY slim, and with Corrynna being from a minor house, it’s a good match because her father is Hand of the King, the Strongs are a super good family, good marriage choice. etc etc.
(If Larys is going full Littlefinger vibes here - Arguably you could say that either the twins are killed off during the war so Erwin becomes Lord, or their children marry into that direct line)
After Rhaena's death, the lordship was granted to Ser Bywin Strong, the brother of Ser Lucamore Strong of the Kingsguard.
House Strong held Harrenhal throughout the remainder of the reign of King Jaehaerys, and throughout the reigns of kings Viserys I and Aegon II Targaryen. Following the death of Lord Lyonel Strong, along with his eldest son and heir, Ser Harwin, in a fire at Harrenhal in 120 AC, the lordship passed to his younger son Lord Larys Strong, who continued to hold the title despite losing the castle temporarily to Prince Daemon Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons.
So here’s some issues:
1. After Lyonel and Harwin die, Larys is Lord of Harrenhal. Because he’s on the Council, he can’t be there. There’s nothing stating he gets married, so
2. Do we assume then that Corrynna and her husband go to take care of Harrenhal? Does Larys plan to pass the castle to her children on his death? What’s going on here? Because this entire show is about inheritance laws and it seems like every region/culture has their own inheritance rules.
3. There’s no mention that after Daemon (The Blacks) captures the castle he kills everyone (I’m assuming on behalf of his stepchildren). BUT THEN When Aemond (The Greens) retake it, he kills everyone BUT Alys Rivers.
Re: Alys Rivers. Plot wise it’s just ‘Harrenhal is cursed, lets give it to Alys, lets not look too deep into it’ (it’s not like GRRM was thinking show things, F&B is just him having fun with world building stuff and I appreciate that). So I’m GUESSING we’re meant to assume that Alys is using her weird magic and bewitched Aemond to kill the rest of the Strongs there?
So Aemond goes to take Harrenhal. Larys is for the Greens. Killing every other member of House Strong (and I’m assuming there aren’t that many) is... a weird choice when you look deeper into it because the Strong family have declared for the Greens (regardless of Rhaenyra’s oldest son biologically being a Strong, but legally and on paper, he’s a Targareyn).
So are we meant to assume that Larys’ sisters both died then as well before having any children? The only mention of them is that they were there in King’s Landing. No mention of names, if they too died with their father and brother, etc. And how does Larys deal with that because sorry, it’s fucking WEIRD if he goes ‘welp it’s all good that you killed the rest of my family even though we’re on the same side’.
Claire brought up that Harrenhal is cursed, this all fits vibes, I agree, but now I need to figure out how this situation works. Because down the line,
What is Larys’ motivation? What is happening? WHAT
(also why the fuck is Alicent ALONE. She should have ladies! Her sister in laws? Nieces? Cousins? this is why Abrogail is Alicent’s cousin cause fuck that)
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