#who cares if they're cringe sometimes you need to make an ass joke at 1 in the morning.
fdcreviewswithmark · 10 months
Guess who's back?
Hi, I'm Mark. Today I'm just looking at FakeDisorderCringe. Due to the blackout, a lot of cringe subreddits shut down, but FDC is still viewable. The posts are probably gonna be old, but who cares.
(Note: some posts will be skipped)
So, here we go.
1. Nonverbal person makes communication cards that are a little funny, so that means they're obviously faking! /sarc
2. Autistic person putting down self diagnosed autistics in the form of memes.
3. Asking questions isn't allowed, you can't question if you have a disorder- at least according to the post in question.
4. A minor-bodied (likely introject heavy) system has alters and in-system relationships. None of these prove they are faking. Some systems, especially with particular trauma and especially in the age of the internet, will find out they're a system easier and Introject more often. In-system relationships happen- big fucking whoop. I hate FDC sometimes... They also use the boundaries and triggers of some alters as "evidence" of being fake which is really shitty. If someone is uncomfortable with something, don't be an ass about it.
(not e from Adam: they screenshotted the system's rentries. Dunno, just makes me feel weird that they went through a whole system's rentries, taking pictures, and then highlighting random things that bother them.)
5. Stimming means you're faking in the eyes of random people on the internet.
6. Introject(?) of monster can in a newly discovered system that doesn't know systems don't need amnesia. Introjects can be basically anything so no idea how any of this proves they're faking.
7. Person with more than one disorder makes meme. Obviously people can't have more than one disorder! /s
8. System doesn't remember childhood. Gets fakeclaimed because, in the OP's words: "Can't remember every detail of my life, must be a system." Despite the OOP never saying that. Literally making up arguments to get angry at.
9. Another poster that doesn't know the definition of stimming... (Self stimulation.)
10. Saying random people have Munchausen's because..... *Checks notes* they self-diagnose.
11. An for autistic women event is inclusive towards self-diagnosed autistics and that's... Bad?
12. Neurodivergent person, likely a minor, in crutches makes a joke on TikTok. Gets posted.
(Note from Adam: It's weird they posted a minor, and it's also weird that they didn't know that physical issues are common in folks with neurodevelopmental disorders. For people who spend their time claiming people are fake on the internet, they sure don't do their research!)
13. Person with DID on TikTok. Probably a minor. That's... The reasons for fakeclaiming them.
14. Person with autism does something silly, means they're faking and are just a silly neurotypical. /s
15. Systems exist.
(Note from Jonah: fucking dying rn)
16. Self-diagnosed autists can mask. Shocker.
17. System makes meme about the parts of being a system that aren't necessarily pain and suffering. (EX: forgetting simple objects!)
(Note from multiple alters: Weird how FDC fakeclaims autists for being covert, and then fakeclaims people with CDDs for being overt- oh wait nevermind they fakeclaim both for being both overt and covert. They just can't decide, can they???)
18. Things are stims. FDC gets mad. Everyone knows the drill by now.
19. OP is mad that there's more systems. Maybe, just fucking maybe, it's because the disorder is getting more recognition and therefore more people can realize they have it, and the lessening of stigmatization encourages people to be open about it. The more you know!
(Note from multiple alters: I guess people can't recognize their own symptoms anymore! Fml. Literally- I guess that means we're faking? Yeah, guess we're faking since we saw our own systems and recognized what was going on. Well, more like we recognized our symptoms when compared to the diagnostic criteria? Still, guess we don't exist. I wonder what they'll say about people who recognize their own symptoms and then go get diagnosed with something! Are they faking too, now???)
20. A person recorded their faintng spell for educational purposes. They said themselves that they were getting a bit loopy but were conscious enough to recognize they were getting there.
Gonna end it here. Thanks to whoever read our whole post. Hope you enjoyed the combined idiocy of our system and that dreaded subreddit. Have a nice whatever.
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