#whoever wrote this entire ask game should have really thought some questions over smh :P
melverie ยท 4 months
Hi Hi! I hope you are having a great week! I just wanted to thank you for the Ask Obey Me MC & OC Ask Game post. It's very complete! I've been answering question by question all morning, which increasingly develops my MC more and more, and it never ends! It's simply very good because so far I've only put it on paper to draw, but nothing to write. I loved so much! Thank you very much!!
Heya! Thanks, I hope your also having a great one! ๐Ÿ’š
You're super welcome!! And that's great to hear that! Getting a feel for your OC's character is always so cool, and I'm glad to know that my ask game helped you get there <3
Are you planning on doing the ask game on here btw? Because I'd like to send you a few asks about your OCs if you wouldn't mind ๐Ÿ‘€
Originally I actually had a lot more questions written down, but since this is the very first time I ever made an ask game I was kind of scared that it might be wayyy to many. So I tried to cut it down as far as I could. I even started whining to some of my mutuals about how I had way too many questions at some point. Now it sits at a total of 72 questions and I'm kind of sad that I didn't add more lol
I might actually release another version with even more questions, but that's entirely dependent on how well the ask game does on my end
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