#why confide in people when you've got a cool new wolf friend?!
wolfwarden · 2 years
I'm gonna ask for a Wolfcry snippet and I'm not afraid to do it full knowing it will expose how obsessed I am with the concept still
(In response to the “WIP Meme” game, where I promised every ask about a WIP gets YOU a snippet and makes ME do a 15min writing sprint for it.)
Rav, it fills me with so much joy to know you are still cheering for this story. Of course, you may have a snippet. In fact, I am incapable of writing snippets. Have a big 'ol chunk of a Twilight and Wind scene.
[Wolfcry Synopsis: Twilight overuses his wolf form to avoid emotional situations. What good will crying do anyway? It doesn’t fix things. It only generates relief, catharsis, a signal to others that you need help, embarrassment. But wolves can’t cry. And before long, neither can Twilight.]
Twilight freezes.
Wind is staring up at him, eyes suspiciously glossy in the firelight. The sailor worms a hand out of his blanket and gives a little wave. “It’s nice to see you hanging around,” he whispers, careful not to wake the others. “If you’re looking for Wild he’s two people down.” Wind points out the direction.
Twilight doesn’t move. He wants so badly to help. Is there no way to make things right?
Wind looks confused. “Do you- are you not checking on Wild? I thought you were his wolf?”
Twilight snorts at that.
Wind smiles. It’s a bit shaky but Twilight’s heart warms at the sight. He takes an unconscious step closer to Wind.
The boy’s face shifts, a hopeful expression lightening his features. “Would you…like to stay with me for a bit? If you want?”
And what else can Twilight do in response to that? He settles himself next to Wind, careful not to force direct contact with the sailor if he doesn’t want-
Wind presses himself fully against Twilight’s side, a sigh of relief whispering out of him. Fingers press into the thick fur at Twilight’s neck and rest there, not petting him, but holding on. They both lay still, the minutes passing by as the dying fire crackles. Twilight almost believes that Wind is drifting to sleep when he hears the whispered words.
“I hate this.”
Twilight keeps his body still and his breathing steady, but his ears prick forward to catch every sound.
Wind continues, his voice low and harsh. “I’ve fought plenty of monsters. I’ve gotten hurt dozens of times. I’m not afraid.” Wind’s free hand, the one not still buried in Twilight’s fur, curls into a fist. “But I…”
Twilight’s heart sinks. 
“I close my eyes and it’s right above me.”
He had wanted so badly to believe he had made things right. That Wind truly was fine. But that had been a selfish wish and this was his punishment.
“There’s no time to react. There’s no time for anything and I hate it.” Wind’s voice hitches at the final word and he presses his face into his sleeve.
He wants so badly to say something, but Wind’s shoulders are shaking and neither of them makes a sound. If Twilight were human he could have done many things. Like pull Wind into the tightest hug he could manage. Like bend down close and promise to watch over him properly, the way he should have done in the first place. Like tell Wind that he was strong and brave and that the tears he now cried did nothing to diminish that.
Like whisper that he was sorry. Please believe me, Wind, I’m so sorry. I’m trying to make things right.
Wind finally sits up on one elbow, wiping roughly at his eyes. “This is stupid! Sorry, Wolfie, you don’t have to listen to me.” A guilty look passes over his face and he glances around the campsite before letting out a little sigh. His next words are low and conspiratorial. “At least Twilight is still taking a round in the trees. I don’t want him to know.”
Unease squirms in Twilight’s belly. His desire to help wars with the knowledge that he is being sneaky, however unintentionally. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t have heard this. Should I leave him alone?
Wind is still whispering to the wolf, unaware of the secrets he is spilling, head tilted close. “I just can’t say this stuff to him… or the others. It’s hard enough getting them to treat me like an equal.” He takes a deep, calming breath. “I’m okay now.”
Twilight gives him a level look.
Wing glares back and hisses lowly, “What? There’s no way I could ask one of them to stay with me at night. They’d freak!” Wind’s cheeks flush. “Plus, that’s super embarrassing!”
Twilight hesitates, caught up in the new found knowledge and the underhanded way he had gotten it.
Wind turns his gaze out to the surrounding woods. The weak light of the fire barely penetrates the deep shadows. Wind’s breaths are deep and even, carefully controlled. But he has a white-knuckled grip on the edge of his bedroll, a wooden knife handle tucked mostly out of sight under the fabric.
The wolf huffs and lowers his head to the ground, making a show of getting comfortable.
Wind’s eyes snap back to Twilight and go wide. “Wait. You’re staying?”
Twilight doesn’t move.
“…all night?”
Death mountain would have been easier to budge.
Wind ducks his head down into his blanket, but not before Twilight catches the open relief shining from Wind’s face. The younger boy keeps his gaze down as he settles in again next to the wolf, not saying another word.
Soon, Wind drifts off to sleep. Twilight keeps watch. He keeps watch the way he should have done the night before: all senses alert, using what was given to him to the best of his abilities.
No attacks come that night. The only disturbances come from Wind himself. Three times the sailor jolts awake, his breathing harsh, his hands clawing out into the dark. Every time, his fingers sink into soft fur and hold on. Wind’s eyes lock onto the wolf’s and see him unmoved and on guard. Every time, Wind finds his trust in the wolf rewarded. He is being watched over. He is safe. And eventually, breaths evening out, he falls back asleep.
Twilight does not sleep. He watches the forest. He watches the changing of the night guard as the other heroes take up positions and silently observe the wolf in their midst. First Time, then Four, then Legend. Their gazes feel heavy and oppressive to Twilight, but they do not ask him to give up his vigil.
The night stretches on and still he watches. Despite the guardian at his side, Wind twitches and squirms through a troubled sleep.
Twilight did this. And it makes him want to scream. It makes him want to run until his muscles are burning and every breath brings searing pain. It makes him want to cry.
But wolves do not cry. So neither does Twilight.
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