#why does every other anime have their osts intact. should i start adding the entire parasyte the maxim ost to character playlists in protest
dyed-indigo · 2 years
been thinking about that long playlist post. why was mafumafu on there. like i feel like after the second addition it stopped being at all objective and started being about artists that the people reblogging personally dislike and probably saw on a character playlist once, however. what is mafumafu even there for. if it’s his vocaloid originals those would be on the kinds of playlists that kikuo, maretu, and kairiki bear would be on and those artists are far far more overused. if it’s for his covers then miyashita yuu is at least as overused if not more (and more overrated as well, in my opinion). if it’s for his original songs that he actually sings then. what playlists are those on. are people putting the soramafuurasaka songs on individual character playlists. i’m not even a goddamn fan of mafumafu but. it just doesn’t make sense to me for him to be included in that post and not some other much more overused characters.
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