#will fix typos + probably rephrase some things later. it is 3am and i have to be up early for work whoops
theros · 2 years
Fanwalker ask: 6, 14, 51, 67
What did your fanwalkers have in mind when they sparked, and what plane did it send them to?
I do have your spark ignition prompt response queued over on the other blog, but what she was thinking of didn't actually factor into the plane she ended up on when she sparked. She was thinking of betrayal and the fact that she should have seen this coming (because what causes her to spark is the person she spent a year helping attempting to kill her once all is said and done).
The reason she ended up on the first plane she 'walked to, Innistrad, was pretty much because of her being a Moroii, being drawn to strong life forces and powerful mana. Since she's only half-Moroii, "youth" doesn't really draw her so much as life does. When she panics or is in a high-stress situation, her fight/flight/freeze reaction is geared more towards the vampire side of her instincts than her human ones, so when she sparked she ended up on a plane that felt incredibly vibrant and wild to her compared to Ravnica, a plane where the natural mana of the land isn't drowned out or changed by the various city precincts. Somewhere that would be an excellent feeding ground if she was injured or weakened and needed the extra life force to aid her recovery.
This is also why she struggles to planeswalk home for over six months; she instead lands on Theros, again due to the vibrancy of the mana there, and every time she tries to get back to Ravnica by following Arlinn's instructions, she finds herself bouncing between those two planes. It takes her a long time to figure out exactly why she keeps ending up on one of these two planes instead of managing to get home, and then it takes a little longer to get to a point where her will to go home overrides the instinctual draw toward a Plane with better feeding.
I originally wanted her to play hopscotch across several planes when she's trying to get home, but the next important tie-in to her story happens on Theros, so I decided playing accidental ping pong between Innistrad and Theros would be less chaotic.
(In a separate AU I have for her that's nowhere near as developed as this one, she lands on New Phyrexia when she sparks. 2/10 would not recommend.)
What one quote from them would you pick to define your fanwalker?
Gods, I'll be honest with you, I really don't know. The first quotes to come to mind are actually from her main timeline, not the Planeswalker AU, and while the personalities of both timelines are similar, they're still very different versions of her due to the different upbringings and events, so a quote from Main!Mestas doesn't really work for Planeswalker!Mestas (from You Were Born to Burn it Down). I've got all of YWBTBID outlined, but only like the first 3 months of a 2-year timeline is actually written out so I can't even go read through the story to find a suitable quote lmao.
What is your character most scared of?
In her planeswalker timeline, lightning. Along with fire, it's a major weakness of hers so she has a natural fear of it.. She also used to be terrified of heights, but slowly forced herself to get over that since her clan prefers to ambush from trees and the tops of ruins.
In her main timeline she still has the fear of lightning (and of fire; she was burned by an elemental in the main timeline), but her worst fear is that one day she'll mess up so bad or say the wrong thing and everyone she cares about will finally realize she's not worth keeping around and will leave her. Main timeline Mes did not have as healthy or stable an upbringing as planeswalker Mes did, so she has a lot more social fears.
What does your character’s magic look like when it’s used?
Mestas has the same rough, gray skin as Moroii do, albeit to a much lesser degree since she's half human. She also has the same glowing, pupilless blue eyes. When she uses mana in any way, her eyes glow much more brightly and her veins can be seen glowing through her skin, which is either pretty or disturbing depending on who you ask. More disturbing at night, especially if she's the only source of light in the woods.
Aside from the bodily effects, all magic she uses takes on a blue tint, regardless of the colors used to fuel it*. This leads to even Gruul signature spells like Cindervines taking on a uniquely identifiable appearance whenever she uses them; the red fire and embers are electric blue instead.
*If she wasn't Moroii, she'd be RG, and she has the personality to match. As it stands, her colors are actually primary Red, secondary Blue, tertiary Green. In the main timeline it's fairly obvious in her personality that she has Blue mana, but the traits from it are actually really unhealthy representations of Blue, like an intensely strong need for control in her life + often the lives of people around her (also affected by her temporarily having Black during her developmental years). In YWBTBID however, these traits are much more subtle and on the healthier side of the Blue spectrum; immense curiosity and interest in knowing how the world works and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
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