#with his crime on thise fronts being not moderating it. same with the other mods in the server
d3stroyman · 1 year
Hey I'm glad after all you been through you are still able to enjoy this game, it sucks that McPig and a few others on the team are human garbage but I am not shocked; shit like this happens and while people say "but it was 2018!!! HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER!!!" that doesn't stop racism & transphobia from existing; it takes honestly growing as a person and being able TO grow, even if McPig & others apologize; we will treat him how we do Scott. No trust till his actions speak louder.
Agreed! And no forgiveness until he actually apologizes and makes the steps to change the problems with the game and his attitude. I already think he's improved on some aspects such as the transphobia, what with LGBT ppl being on the playtester team last I checked. It's small but it shows signs that he can change from what he's been like
Until he does though I ain't trusting it.
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