ryleestormgem · 6 years
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i discovered W101 in 4th grade through a girl i really admired. She told me about it and i made an account hoping to become closer with her. We actually met up only once in game and we never even quested together. I got about half way through marleybone by myself and then stopped since the girl who introduced me to the game moved away. I didn’t know what i was doing and i loved logging in and being a wizard, but it felt weird playing it without her there.
My freshman year in high school an old friend reminded me about how into the game I was, and i ended up making a new account and seeing where I would go. I made a tumblr account for the game thinking I would be the first, but i was happily surprised to see a decent fandom! 
I’m a freshman in college now and i’m still here 10 years later. I’m so happy Wizard101 is still going strong, and i’m so insanely lucky to have met so many great people in the fandom! It’s been quite a journey so far and it’s not over yet either!
@sarahtheconjurer (one of my closest, sweetest fandom friends) tagged me to do her wizzy story tag! i think everyone who would like to share their part should totally do it, this game has brought so many people together and i think as many stories as possible would be beautiful! 
thanks again Kingsisle (and of course the w101 tumblr community) for making the last ten years magical. ♥
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ruinedalcazar-blog · 6 years
my wizard101 story
hi, so! i know i never really made a formal post introducing myself to the fandom (i’m both terrible with introductions and have anxiety around communities, oops..) but hello, i’m morgan! ive been playing this game for almost the entire time it’s been out and it’s always something ive kept near and dear to my heart.
wizard101 was one of the very first mmo games i ever played, right from when i was around about 7 or 8 years old. it’s an interest that’s managed to stick with me for so long. i still remember the day i downloaded it, actually! i was still in primary school and facing a lot of negative experiences with other students, namely them bullying me for being one of the smarter kids at my tiny little country school. my dad had given me his old shoddy toshiba laptop with a green case after he got an upgrade for work, it was my very first laptop and the first time i ever started playing wizard101. while yes, i received the scolding of a lifetime from my parents for downloading something without them checking what it was first, i still played it.
it was like my whole world, it was a huge distraction from a lot of the bad things that were happening in my life. it was something that kept me grounded and content when i changed schools, when i started intermediate, and even when i started high school three years ago. i have so many vivid memories of this game, one of the main ones being how i used to doodle the school cast symbols in my note books. 
this game has meant a lot to me for a long time, and im so glad i can express that! i was bullied for my interest in it when i was 11 years old, but now i feel more comfortable expressing that love and even have a ton of friends around me who love the game too! happy 10th birthday wizard101, you mean the world to me <3
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all-hail-gamma · 6 years
my w101 story
so i started playing back in maybe 2011 or 2012, after seeing an ad while doing schoolwork. i actually set up my account in the school library, and played at break and lunchtime! i managed to get my best friend in on it as well, we would text each other when we wanted to play and what realms we were in and the quest we were on. for some reason i really vividly remember helping her out with the fireglobe theatre boss fight, and messing about in firecat alley afterwards.
then i hit level 31 and sort of just stopped playing. i didn't really have the time anymore, so i got my dad to cancel my membership and deleted the icon off his laptop.
i stumbled across the w101 tumblr fandom last year completely by accident, and was hit by this massive wave of nostalgia for when life was simple and i didn't have to be an adult, and made a new account. and here i am, all these years later!
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atlasllm · 6 years
oh shit was tagged in a thing by @500sunstone :o!
rules are A) post how you discovered wizard101 B) what exactly this game means to you, and to post it in #wizbirthday
I actually got into Wiz in a pretty basic, weird way ;w;
I was arouund 2nd or 3rd grade at the time? My sister and I were into MMOs a LOT, we played Toontown and Pirates of the Carribean Online!
I forget if Pirates ever had any “pay to play” things, but I knew that we somehow needed to cut back on some of the things we played, so we had to quit that. Toontown was a HEAVY pay to play MMO, so we could barely progress.
My sister also tried out other MMOs, I know she signed up for Club Penguin, and then Wizard101 after seeing Wiz in a commercial!
Sad to say I was the type of kid who would go “y’all got games on your phone??” or “can i play??” a lot. My sister knew she couldn’t trust me to play on her OWN Wizard (a fire wizard named Melissa Dragondreamer), so she made me my main Wizard, Anna Blueblossom! (they didn’t have Angelica in the name creator, since I was at the phase at which I pretty much made myself in MMOs, Anna still has the ponytail haircut since I was into ponytails in 3rd grade ^^)
This game has been a huge part in my childhood in all honesty, and it’s even where I got my nickname, Mana! (if I hadn’t played wiz101, I probably would have still gone by the name “Queen Magical” o_o).
Wiz101′s been there since /3rd grade/ for me, and I can’t imagine being without all the things it’s shown me! My young self liked to draw parallels to my other interests, and ofc I connected Wiz101 to YuGiOh, aha-
Wiz got me my name Mana, it’s the one MMO I still consider myself playing (even though I’m less active since I’m in Zafaria -_-), and it’s the one game that I’m still able to play since I never grew up with any consoles or handheld gaming devices, and even though it’s just ONE game, I’m still happy to play it time and time again to have that Gamer Feel ^^.
Despite me not having grown up being able to play video games, Wizard101 is still in my top three favorite video games, and definitely number one in the games I’ve /actually/ played!
And hell, I even managed to complete my 3rd grade dreams in Wiz! I always wanted to have two “Nightmare” pets, one named Princess Roxy and one named Prince Max, and I’ve been able to do that after all these years! I’m sure 3rd grade me would be absolutely proud, especially since I’ve completed the first arc already :>!
I can’t believe it’s survived this long, and I hope it continues to thrive! I’m not too active in the Wiz community since my schedule’s always too busy to play as much as I want to, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still love this game to death! 
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imbeasel · 6 years
I’ve been playing wizard101 since January of 2010 when I was in 3rd or 4th grade if memory serves me correctly. Since then, I’ve been playing off and on for ages, going through phases where I play all day everyday only to stop for like months at a time.
In my younger days, I was appart of an active, drama filled, warrior cats role play community on the scarecrow realm. Yep. I know. It was pretty cringey, but also very fun (except for the drama which I consistently dodged for actual years until the time I accidentally unfriended someone and became like this pariah and shunned by all my online friends, but by that point I had grown out of my warrior cats phase mostly and I had irl friends that played with me instead.)
I’ve never actually hit level cap after arc 1 ended (i was level 50 for awhile before celestial came out outside of test realm) because I can never focus long enough to actually quest for that long. I spent actual years in celestia and all the grizzleheim arcs because of this, and the fact that my main is ice and lots of the enemies were ice in those areas.
Idk what else to say at this point so yeah I’ll just list my two main wizards and their schools I guess lol.
Julia Icebreeze ❄️
Valerian Fairytale ♎️
I hope you guys figured out the schools lol I’m too lazy to actually type them both out
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sarahtheconjurer · 6 years
Wizzy Story Tag!
Since wiz is turning 10 years old, I thought I could (hopefully) start a tag to celebrate.
The rules are simple, share A) how you discovered wiz and B) what exactly this game means to you, and tag it with #wizbirthday.
For now I’ll tag a few peeps, but anyone is welcome to participate, so we can celebrate this game we love so much.
@letsgotoravewood @theurgistmel @500sunstone @balance-princess @ryleestormgem @catherinesoulwraith @okidenshi
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500sunstone · 6 years
how i got into wiz
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was tagged by @sarahtheconjurer!
rules are A) post how you discovered wizard101 B) what exactly this game means to you, and to post it in #wizbirthday
so many of you know my main wizard is justin lightshade, but i actually signed myself up as dustin lightshade 2 yeas before.
it all started when someone i was friends with in 2nd grade was talking to me about games that she played. this is where wizard101 was mentioned.
i tried it and was HOOKED. all i would do in my free time was look at wizard101 vids (esp the movies and clan mvs) and do as much as i could in the game as possible. i was so addicted to the game that i even managed to get to level 16 without a membership thru defeating field guards!
i usually cycle through interests easily so once my little "phase" was diverted onto something else i didn't really pay attention to wizard101.
come a few years later though and the same thing happens, except with text chat on a new account this time.
rinse and repeat, i fall out and fall back in again. this time in late 2015.
in late 2015 i actually found the wizard101 fandom, and joined in january of 2016. my first meet up ever was one of rylee's.
if im being quite honest, wizzy means way too much to me. ive grown up with it and technically still am, and ive met so many good friends from each phase ive been into wizzy. it's something that has been special to me for a long time and i just love love love being on the game, keeping up with it, etc..... and the fact that i get to bond over something that's so precious to me with other people truly makes my heart happy. what more could i ask from this game, really? it's done a lot for me and others, and built connections that ive had for a long time and intend to have around for a good while. i even want to go as far as to claim that talking with others on wizard101 even helped me get out of my shell
to everyone in the community, thank you so much.
to all the friends ive made, i love you all. even though i don't know some of you personally, and even though i haven't been contacted by some in years, i still think about yall in a caring way.
to kingsisle, im grateful that for the game you've made. congratulations on 10 years. your project has flourished.
and to olivia, from over 7 years ago, that probably can't even read this, thanks for introducing me to wizard101.
i tag @lapis-lazuli-mana @mattysummer @maddiethunder @might-and-mana and @mileycyrusdrake
and of course everyone else who reads this
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sarahtheconjurer · 6 years
My Wizzy Story
(If you want details on the tag, Look here!)
Ironically enough, my story isn’t all too exciting. I ended up finding an ad for the game when I was around 6, and it spiraled down from there. I remember getting to the crowns locked area after I started, and bawling my eyes out when I couldn’t continue.
A few years after I stopped playing, I was in a Walmart with my mom and grandma, and saw a gift card for Wizzy. Some primal instinct in me activated, and I ended up buying it. (Fun fact I bought the entire game with Crowns, up to Khrysalis part 2) I kept playing from there, and made a tumblr around 2015 when I was 11. I stumbled into the fandom, and have been here ever since!
It’s hard to say what this community means to me. I’ve been here through thick and thin, and I’ve made some of my dearest friends through it. I think the proper words are: Thank you. Thank you to everyone in the fandom, thank you to Kingsisle, and thank you to my friends, for sticking with me through my awkward preteens tears. I know it sounds sappy, but this games helped me through a lot, and I think there’s something valuable on that.
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snoopygfe · 10 years
Wiz gettin his birthday beats from Debz lol #Flasback #HadToShareIt #Funtimes #WizBirthday #Peakage
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