#yep im definitely just superimposing my queer headcanons onto a straight narrative aren't I
One thing I've been thinking about lately:
I don't think I've seen a single post about how queer-coded Demian (the silly Sinclair book) was — I mean yes it was weird and sometimes it felt like Sinclair was trying to get together with Demian's mom, Eva, but also the relationship between Sinclair and Demian is pretty intense too.
(Kept my comments because they're too stupid to leave out)
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The only reason I could come up with for why this might be written like this is the war segment at the end — a lot of war is pretty gay on its own and an unfiltered straight view on the matter will still come across as pretty queer. However, other, non-war sections are equally gay. Herman, you got something you trying to tell us?
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Anyways. This just made me curious about the future of Demian as a character in Limbus and I'm super interested where they'll take it. My interpretation is that Dante's clock hands only move when a character has one complete character arc, so that means Sinclair's is still incomplete. How'll the wrap that shit up? Let this religious trauma baby be happy pretty please 🥺🥺🥺
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