#yes i based her off the ongo gablogian scene/that one meme from the iron giant
eldritch-muppetshow · 2 years
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kind of a mini au, here’s my take on summer as an adult + if she was part of the muppets proper
after attending art school, she graduated with the belief that true art is incomprehensible. she’s constantly experimenting with— let’s say unconventional mediums (think season 1!gonzo) for her art. she tends to be very pretentious when it comes to her own art and how people “don’t get it”, although thankfully that attitude doesn’t extend to her friends’ art— if anything, she appreciates the muppets when they’re at their most absurd/incomprehensible. kermit sometimes commissions her to do the paint work for the sets, since she’s genuinely a talented artist when she’s not experimenting
also she’s dating bobbi baba (the scrapped character from muppet babies who was supposed to have her role as the newbie). turns out that they have a lot in common
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