#yknow what also prooves my point of
butchratchettruther · 3 years
I told my friend about mtmte and this is what she picked up from it:
Brainstorm is her favourite. She said he seems like the most sensible one, at which point I burst out laughing.
She explained that she meant that everyone else is off being incredibly “hrrduduh” whereas he’s just like “can I have my boyfriend back please”
“Is there a single straight character in this series?” “No”
I told her about Drift and she proceeded to mock him. “I’m sowwy. I didn’t meanw to commit all of those muwwders. Pwease forgive me.” (I’m so sorry Drift)
“Okay, so with Cyclonus and Tailgate, Cyclonus hated Tailgate at first, and Tailgate liked him.” “Enemies to lovers?” “Yep, kinda.” “Niiice.”
She hates Rodimus because of his name. She does think that Getaway Prime sounds stupider though. Apparently it sounds like a travel agency run by amazon.
On a similar note, she also found Rodimus’ djd funeral video very funny. He really just went “I want that twink obliterated.”
Her: Is Whirl your favourite because he’s the least problematic?
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“Okay, so you know those Russian dolls? Where like you’ve got like, a big doll and inside it is a smaller doll and inside that is an even smaller doll?” “Yeah?” “That’s Ultra Magnus.”
She also thinks that Minimus’ name is stupid.
I showed her a picture of Brainstorm without his mask and she muttered something under her breath and told me he should keep the mask on.
“Okay, so then like. Getaway goes to the brig, and he grabs these two dudes from in there. One’s called Sunder, and he’s like a serial killer and also a mnemosurgeon and also addicted to it, but he doesn’t mind. And the other one is this really shitty therapist called Froid-” “Wait, Freud? Like Sigmund Freud?” “Yeah, he’s named after Freud.” “Always glad to see some Freud slander.”
Things of Brainstorm’s that she found funny: Being the worst double agent ever by repackaging information they already know and acting like it’s new information. Hanging from the ceiling because he can. Keeping a time machine in a briefcase. Building a meta gun that made Swerve realise he was in a comic book.
Me: And so then Atomizer was all like ‘Getaway, has anyone ever told you you’re an asshole? Also I’m kind of having moral trouble with all of this.’
Her: Getaway was just like, ’Yknow, if you’re having trouble with that, we have an excellent therapist on the ship! Completely neutral, no ulterior motive, he’s a great guy.’
“The therapist has an entry on the tumblr sexy man Wikipedia.” “…I could’ve gone my whole life without knowing that.”
She also found Skids’ name incredibly funny, at which point I started telling her about how when he first woke up, he thought his name was Scum, only before I finished the joke I was reminded of how Skids’ last words were “I’m scum, I’m scum,” and suddenly it was a lot less funny.
She thinks these robots all need a lot of therapy.
She thinks that Cygate need a lot more communication. I told her that she was very right.
“And so then Getaway chucks all of the Friends with Megatron and also Whirl club into the Rodpod-” “The what?” “Oh, it’s a spaceship that Rodimus has that looks like his face.” “…I hate Rodimus.”
I strongly disagree with that last point.
“Wait, so how does cutting Ambulon in half proove that Pharma is a better surgeon than Ratchet? Because surely Pharma wouldn’t be able to help Ambulon either.” “…I don’t know.”
“Are the authors of this like, okay?? Mentally???”
“Wait, yknow the therapist that has an entry on the tumblr sexyman Wikipedia? Is that Rung or Froid?” “Rung.” “Thank God.”
Her: The creators of the show when they started writing it: Robots aliens can go into cars. The creators of the show when they started writing this: the robots are addicted to drugs-
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