A reply to a question: Who is Déa?
yokithewolfdog, thank you for your question. Déa is an alternate spelling of Dea. Dea is the Latin term for goddess. Within the Filianic and Déanic community, Dea/Déa refers to the triparte goddess of this faith. It is a goddess who has three faces/persons (hence the triparte part). Each face has an important role. The first face encountered within the holy scriptures of this religion is the Bright Mother, the creatrix of all reality. The second face encountered within the holy scriptures is the Daughter, the sustainer of all reality. The third face that is encountered is the Dark Mother, the destroyer of all reality. Within the theology of Filianism and Déanism, all of reality exists in a cyclical system. The Dark Mother is closely tied to the Bright Mother, for the Dark Mother holds within her the potential of the Bright Mother’s creative force. We believe that all souls reincarnate and that there are multiple levels to reality which we move through, either drawing closer to Déa or moving farther from her on the basis of the decisions and choices we make. On the larger level, the whole of reality ‘reincarnates’ over a course of time. For the sacred texts read that the Daughter shall save all beings unto the last blade of grass from the abyss of destruction that comes from absolute separation from Déa.
I have begun using Déa in my writings pertaining to her to bring them more into line with conventional Filianism and Déanism, to make it easier for my readers to incorporate my work into what they are doing. Thank you again for your question and I hope you have a blessed day.
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