#you have no idea how fucking grateful i was that they didn't shoehorn in a love interest
philcoulsonismyhero · 2 years
Quick heads up, I finally watched the Obi-Wan show after thoroughly spoiling myself so I’d know if anything in it was going to upset/offend me, and I’m probably going to go on a reblog spree soon-ish. I’ll be tagging everything from the show with ‘obi wan show’, so filter away if you need/want to.
Short summary of my opinions on it - Obi-Wan felt like Obi-Wan and was very entertaining to watch as always, I was there just for him and on that front it was a very fun time. Tiny Leia was delightful. I will be skipping pretty much any scene where neither of them is onscreen whenever I rewatch, I couldn’t care less about the Inquisitor drama, although Reva was vaguely interesting in and of herself. It was a pretty contained story so it didn’t have any big conflicts with Legends canon beyond the specifics of the Inquisitors, or at least not big enough that I noticed on a first go through, so I was able to watch it without my brain freaking out on me and that’s a nice change re: recent Star Wars media. Don’t ask me about its overall merits as a story, I was just there to see my best guy without getting too mad about the story around him, and on that front it was a success.
Hit me up if you want any specific spoilers, I’m happy to do that for other folks who may have similarly complicated relationships with the new stuff.
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