#you probably love abnormal unexpected and crazy shit that's all mentioned super casually like nothings wrong
meeep-mop · 1 year
So, in light of the recent events here on tumblr dot com, I decided to fuck around and give Welcome to Night Vale a listen. After all, the potential of a new hyperfixation to go nuts about honestly outweighs the likelihood of boredom that'd come from a podcast. Besides, there's transcripts too, and I wouldn't mind reading if worse comes to worst.
So um- I'm not even halfway into the first/pilot episode, and I'm already loving it. This thing is full of absurd and unexpected humour, while also having the energy of something like SCP or Omega Mart. It's actually a lot like Omega Mart in many ways, now that I think about it. Like- Omega Mart would probably fit nicely into that world.
Anyway- Omega Mart is not my point. My point is that I can already tell that this thing is amazing. Screw the people who were saying that Night Vale was irrelevant and were trying to shove it away. Honestly- irrelevant my ass! It's literally still getting updated to this very day.
Night Vale seems to be full of wackiness, goofiness, Omega Mart, unrecognizable bodies in the water, inconvenient quantum planes, and gay panic over Carlos and his perfect hair. Well- in the beginning at least for that last part there. But really, if you love any of those kinds of things, then I'd consider giving it a chance. It's lovely.
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