#yyhs worldbuilding was. idek. spirit snd demon energy? demons eat people but not everyone?
llycaons · 3 years
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oh this is cool though. It's hard to see but one of the examples is a chef and the other one is a public speaker (authority figure?) and more than half of the examples don't involves physical ability at all. I love that nen as a magic system does not primarily serve as a way to hurt others or inflict violence, but is rather an individualized reflection of a person's intent, and is as versatile and unpredictable as the narration requires. we see nen used primarily for other things even by fighters in later arcs and of course a few characters who are noncombatants but are nen geniuses (komugi, neon). I just really like how it encompasses so many options and I think it was a really smart choice for a hard magic system in a complicated long-form shonen because it gave togashi a ton of room to be creative with his fights and with other applications of nen
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